Nymphomania, the term is used wrongly and through to designate an inordinate sexual appetite in women


Nymphomania, the term is used wrongly and through to designate an inordinate sexual appetite in women. In reality, a nymphomaniac woman expresses a hypersexual of nature to disturb her daily life and to hinder her life as a couple, to the point that she has to heal. The point on a real pathology, which excites men of prime first.

Definition of the nymphomania
The Nymphomaniac woman has all the time want to have sexual intercourse, with the same partner or not, with or without enjoyment. It is the carnal report of sex that excites it and is constantly looking for it, without reaching orgasm.

The Nymphomania: a form of female hypersexual
Contrary to the widespread uses of the term, the nymphomania is not a simple appeal pronounced for sexuality. An individual can love sex and have very common reports without being nymphomaniac. The nymphomania is a true pathology of the psyche, which is expressed through a hypersexual. Thus, the nymphomaniac woman is obsessed with the idea of coitus: she is constantly thinking about it and she puts all the means in work to multiply sexual intercourse. It is not so much the need to please and seduce who leads it, but beautiful and well his obsession with sex.

The Nymphomaniac man suffers from satyriasis
Man is recognized to have sexual needs superior to women. He’s not as a nymphomaniac. Even less than the term applies only to the women’s population. A man whose sexual appetite is pathological is reached from satyriasis, not to be confused with the priapism which designates a physical disorder by which the penis of man remains in erection pronounced and extended outside the favourable circumstances.

Is a nymphomaniac woman satisfied sexually?
The Nymphomaniac woman does not necessarily find physical enjoyment in the sexual act. It’s especially the opportunity to satisfy his psychic needs that guide his behavior. In the image of the person who suffers from bulimia or compulsive obsessive disorders, the nymphomaniac woman practice sex in an inordinate and discontinuous way without ever satisfying. She can also chain without respite sexual relationships, always in search of a new report.

The orgasm and the orgasm
Hypersexual and sexual pleasure are independent. A woman can suffer from nymphomania without ever having orgasms, and conversely.

The Nymphomaniac woman in a couple

The partner suffers by ricochet from the pathology of his companion.
Man cannot necessarily satisfy the compulsive sexual needs of a woman. In this context, the nymphomania can lead the amante to look for another partner. Infidelity in the couple, even confessed, can jeopardise the links that unite them.
A Nymphomaniac woman usually suffers from other psychological disorders. His partner the shoulder in this daily fight, and these difficulties can weaken the couple.
Treating the: possible treatments

As a psychological disease, the can lead to harmful side effects.

Among these:
The Nymphomaniac woman has difficulties in preserving a couple relationship.
Unsatisfied sexual desires can lead to dissatisfaction, up to depression.
Hypersexual behavior can stigmatize to the point of isolating the person.
This is why it is important to treat the nymphomania. Attention: before considering a treatment, it is wise to ensure that the desire for sex is actually pathological. It happens that libido is overflowing during certain periods, without it being a disease. It is enough in these circumstances to satisfy its needs, as long as the desire for sex does not lead to suffering.

To heal the nymphomania, it is recommended to proceed by steps:

Talk about it with a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist. This professional is able to guide the patient to the best-appropriate therapeutic solutions.
When Psy tracking is not enough to mitigate the suffering of the nymphomaniac person, other alternative therapies can help. Hypnosis, in particular, can be tried.
In the hypothesis that nymphomania is accompanied by secondary hormonal disorders, medicines can be considered. It is necessary for this to ask for advice to his doctor.