Patient with deteriorating memory and depression – Alzheimer’s disease


  1. Patient with deteriorating memory and depression – Alzheimer’s disease
  2. Trousseaus sign – CA pancrease
  3. Patient with anemia and low MCV next Ix – Serum Ferritin
  4. Cause of hepatic encephalopathy – Conspitation
  5. Atrzopine is used as tx of – Organophosphate poisoning
  6. 7 month old with frontal bossing and Hb= 7.0g/dl and family h/o transfusions Ix – Hb electrophoresis
  7. Ankylosing Spondylitis – 30 year old with backache (sacr-iliaitis) and uveitis
  8. Patient with factor VIII deficiency and prolonged bleeding time – Von Wilibrand disease
  9. SLE – Anti dsDNA antibody
  10. Anti CCP antibodies – Rheumatoid Arthritis
  11. Contraindicated in bilateral renal Artery stenosis – ARBs
  12. Cause of dry cough – ACE inhibitors
  13. CURB- 65 – Community acquired pneumonia
  14. Child Pugh – Liver disease
  15. Foul smelling after use of Ceftriaxone – Pseudomembranous colitis
  16. Beck triad – Low systolic pressure Distended JVP, muffled heart sound
  17. Major criteria for Rheumatic fever – Migratory Polyarthritis
  18. Anemia with MCV 102 – Folate deficiency
  19. Army barrack meningitis – Meningococcus
  20. Caput medusa and ascites – Portal hypertension
  21. Melena, splenomegaly etc in alcoholic – Esophageal varices
  22. Cause of acute infective endocarditis – Staphylococcus Aureus
  23. Develop diarrhea after eating meat – staphylococcal toxin
  24. Isolated thrombocytopenia – ITP
  25. Patient with anemia, thrombocytopenia and renal involvement after diarrhea – hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
  26. Female with URI and cervical lymphadenopathy – IgM against CMV
  27. Army in Waziristan with cutaneous lesion on shin – Cutaneous leishmaniasis
  28. Leishmania transmit through – Sand-fly
  29. Large acral parts and raised GH – Acromegaly
  30. Stomach lavage contraindication – Kerosene oil
  31. Vitiligo, cheilitis etc associated with – Pernicious anemia
  32. Tetany, Carpopedal associated with – Hypocalcaemia
  33. Thyroid storm
  34. Plethora, engorged neck veins and edematous upper limbs – SVC syndrome
  35. Diabetic with red, tender, swollen, hot and impotence in knee joint – Septic arthritis
  36. Features of mitral stenosis – Mid diastolic murmur with pre-systolic accentuation
  37. Blue green discharge – Pseudomonas
  38. Common involvement in Multiple Sclerosis – Optic neuritis
  39. Mycoplasma associated with – Hemolytic anemia
  40. Type II respiratory failure – Hypercarbia
  41. Gout – Crystals in synovial fluid
  42. Tonic-clonic attack with tongue biting and urinary incontinence is associated with – Grand Mal Epilepsy
  43. Active viral replication – HbeAg
  44. Myasthenia gravis is a disease of – Neuromuscular junction
  45. Most rapid confirmation of TB – Sputum for AFB
  46. Patient with battery acid in eye – frequent irrigation
  47. Aplastic crisis in sickle cell anemia – Parvovirus B19
  48. Dermatomyositis – Gottron papule
  49. Flare of SLE – C3/C4 and raised anti dsDNA antibodies
  50. Coronary arteries scan – Thallium


  1. 50 years old with pain in umbilical region which later shifted to RIF and Rovsing positive – Appendicitis
  2. Confirmation of thyroid CA – FNAC
  3. Glottis Ca tx – Radiotherapy
  4. Patient > 45 years with thyroid CA – Sub-total thyroidectomy
  5. Thyroid CA with previous h/o Hashimoto thyroiditis – Lymphoma
  6. Tract connected to skin – Fistula
  7. Throbbing pain in which increases on sitting – perianal abcess
  8. Compound fracture – 2 or more fragments
  9. Humerus diaphysis fracture – Radial nerve injury
  10. Intact comprehension but difficulty speaking – Broca’s area damage
  11. Wasting of thenar muscles – Carpal tunnel syndrome
  12. Mediastinal shift to left and hyper-resonant right hemithorax – Tension pneumothorax
  13. Main supply of laryngeal muscles – Vagus nerve
  14. Massive lower GI bleed – Ulcerative colitis
  15. Involvement of GIT with oral ulcer – Crohn’s disease
  16. Patient with hematuria after kicked and bruise on lumbar region – Renal injury
  17. Amputation of leg, develop respiratory symptoms and crepitations at amputated area – Gas gangrene
  18. Patient recovered from crushed home – Compartmental syndrome
  19. Pituitary enlargement – Ganglion cyst
  20. Bitemporal hemianopia
  21. Tearing chest pain – Aortic dissection
  22. Board hard abdomen, air below diaphragm with 3 weeks of swinging fever – Typhoid perforation
  23. Air level in Gall bladder with intestinal obstruction – Gall stone ileus
  24. Most common bed ulcers – Sacral ulcers
  25. Endogenous cause of infection in burns – Immunocompromised state
  26. Abdominal pain and Atrial Fibrillation – Mesenteric infarction
  27. Initial Rx in burns – I/V fluids
  28. Fluid monitoring in burns – Urine output
  29. Pneumaturia and sometime feaces in urine – Recto-vesicle fistula
  30. Most common site of saccular aneurysm – Posterior communicating artery
  31. Chewing, suckling etc during epileptic attack – Temporal lobe epilepsy
  32. Acute Pancreatitis, initial Rx. – I/V fluids
  33. Glucagonoma – Acanthosis Nigrican
  34. Patient with laparoscopy done – Incisional hernia
  35. Swelling beneath ear – Pleomorphic adenoma
  36. Breast CA with back pain, metastasis in bones – Bone scan
  37. Numbness in lateral 2 fingers – Median nerve
  38. Surveillance for colorectal CA – CEA

#Psychiatry_Behavioral Sciences

  1. Patient insists one particular doctor who he think is like his father – Transference
  2. Girl seeing her parents fighting – Dissociative disorder
  3. Loss of vision after noticing fight between parents – Conversion disorder
  4. Mood stabilizer – Lithium
  5. Drug for panic attack – Paroxetine
  6. SNRI – Venlafaxine
  7. Delusion – Delirium
  8. Depression – Decrease Serotonin
  9. Patient with dog phobia Rx. – Behavior therapy
  10. Most common hallucination in Schizophrenia – Auditory
  11. Student failed in exam saying that “this is not my fault……” – Rationalization
  12. Cognitive impairment – Delirium
  13. Extra-pyramidal S/S – Dystonia
  14. Attempted suicide – H/o previous harm to his body
  15. Medical condition that should be ruled out in anxiety disorder – TSH
  16. Insight – Patient knows about his disease and willing to take Tx.


  1. Rose spots – Typhoid fever
  2. Hypotonic child with small palpebral fissures etc – Trisomy 21
  3. Child born to diabetic mother having lethargy etc initial Ix – Blood sugar level
  4. Neonatal vaccination – BCG
  5. Vaccine that can be dangerous in infant if used early – Measles
  6. Cause of constipation in child – Hurshpurg disease
  7. Child having per rectal bleed and empty RIF – Intussusception
  8. Sudden weakness in left lower limb – Polio
  9. Bitot spots are present in – Vitamin A deficiency
  10. Greyish white membrane on tonsils – Diphtheria
  11. Child with recurrent UTIs and poor stream – Posterior urethral valve
  12. Compression rate in child ALS/BLS – 100
  13. Most common cause of meningitis in 14 years old – Pneumococcus
  14. Diphtheria – Causes respiratory obstruction
  15. Initial Dose of N/S in infant – 20 mg/kg
  16. Treatment of shock in infant – Adrenaline
  17. 14 years old with retinoblastoma may develop – Osteosarcoma
  18. Dehydrated child, unable to drink – I/V Ringer Lactate
  19. Infant with URTI and R/R=65/min no chest indrawing – No pneumonia


  1. Shallow anterior chamber and 45mmHg of IOP – Acute angled glaucoma
  2. Buphthalmosis – Congenital glaucoma
  3. Prevention of acute angle glaucoma if already occurred in one eye – Peripheral iridiotomy
  4. Traumatic injury and retina not visible – Vitreous hemorrhage
  5. Curtain falling in front of my eye – Retinal detachment
  6. 64 years old hypertensive lady having diffusely hemorrhagic and edematous retina along with sudden loss of vision – CRVO
  7. 64 years old hypertensive lady having diffusely hemorrhagic and edematous retina along with sudden loss of vision – CRVO
  8. Retinoblastoma
  9. Retinoblastoma (2 different cases)
  10. Posterior capsulectomy – YAG laser
  11. Most common type of cataract – Senile cataract
  12. Child cannot read white board but can easily read book – Myopia
  13. Gradual loss of vision after 40 years – Presbyopia
  14. Hypopyon in anterior chamber – Uveitis
  15. Patient cannot see up and down – CN IV injury
  16. Patient unable to see laterally – Abducent nerve
  17. Branching ulcer – Herpes Zoster


  1. Impacted wax – Conductive deafness
  2. Conductive deafness – Otosclerosis
  3. Sensory-neuronal deafness – Acoustic neuroma
  4. Involved nerve in Acoustic neuroma – CN VIII
  5. Common cause of tonsillectomy – Recurrent tonsillitis
  6. Antro- coanal polyp arise from – Maxillary sinus
  7. Maxillary sinus open in – Middle nasal meatus
  8. Child with watering eye – Nasolacrimal duct blockage
  9. Nasolacrimal duct open into – Inferior nasal meatus
  10. Posterior epistaxis – Posterior nasal packing
  11. Most dangerous tympanic membrane perforation – Postero-superior
  12. Blood supply to tonsils – Tonsillar branch of facial
  13. Child have fear on seeing nurse, stimulus is – Injections
  14. Tracheostomy – frequent suctions
  15. Boy with mouth ulcer during exam – Aphthous ulcer
  16. Tracheostomy site – 3rd-4th tracheal rings
  17. Complication of tracheostomy – Can’t speak


  1. Yellow crusting on face – Impetigo
  2. Pustules over face Tx. – Flucloxacillin
  3. Patient with eruption involving one dermatome – Acyclovir
  4. Family in Muree have itching – Scabies
  5. 6 moth old, Rx of scabies – 5% permethrin
  6. Melanoma – Asymmetrical changes in shape and color of nevus
  7. A 20 year old female developed skin rash 3 days after URTI – Chicken Pox
  8. Hypopegmention over face – Tinea Alba
  9. Patient with facial plaques and caseating granuloma – Dapsone
  10. Skin lesion with ulnar and peroneal nerve involvement – Leprosy


  1. Bulging membrane – Imperforated hymen
  2. BP >140/90 on 2 different occasions but dipstick negative – Gestational hypertension
  3. Curdy white vaginal discharge – Candidiasis
  4. Painless bleed in 32nd week of gestation – Placenta previa
  5. Raised BP in third trimester and brisk tendon reflexes – Pre-eclampsia
  6. Commonly used tocolytic – Nifedipine
  7. Prophylaxis of fits in pregnancy (Eclampsia) – MgSO4
  8. Ix. for Endometriosis – Laparoscopy
  9. Ix. for Asherman Syndrome – Hysteroscopy
  10. Pregnant with transverse lie – ECV and SVD
  11. 38 years old smoker on COCP with cervical changes – Pap smear
  12. Female > 45 years per vaginal bleed – Endometrial biopsy
  13. Hyperprolactinemia – Decreased chances of pregnancy
  14. Young obese female with increased LH – PCOD
  15. Hidatiform mole – Biweekly B-HCG with contraception
  16. Post-partum hemorrhage – Oxytocin
  17. Menstrual irregularities in 22 year-old female…cocp