Physician Licensure and Certification

MCC Certifies physicians with the LMCC LMCC acquired by passing the MCC Qualifying Examination Parts I and II
RCPSC Certifies specialists who complete an accredited residency program and pass the appropriate exam Voluntary membership of the RCPSC is designated FRCPC or FRCSC
CFPC Certifies family physicians who complete an accredited residency program and pass the Certification Examination in Family Medicine
Licensing Body 13 provincial medical regulatory (licensing) authorities All postgraduate residents and all practicing physicians must hold an educational or practice license from the licensing body in the province in which they study or practice
CPSO Membership to the provincial licensing authority is mandatory Licensing authority functions include: Provide non-transferable licensure to physicians Maintaining ethical, legal, and competency standards and developing policies to guide doctors Investigating complaints against doctors Disciplining doctors guilty of professional misconduct or incompetence At times of license investiture and renewal, physicians must disclose if they have a condition (such as HIV positivity, drug addiction, or other illnesses that may impact their ability to practice safely