Pretty down in the dumps after getting my MRI report today

Pretty down in the dumps after getting my MRI report today.
I first had an ACL and LCL reconstruction when I was 14 after my dirt bike was hit by a truck. My knee has never quite been the same since and on xmas eve I came off a skateboard and the results of that are complete ACL tear and tears to both my menisci, which I’ve never had before. I’ve been waiting 2 months to see the surgeon and will get to see him in April to discuss treatment but just wanted to ask a few questions in the meantime.
-Does anyone has any good resources or links in relation to menincus tears, therapeutic remedies etc (not sure how bad mine are yet)
-I’ve given up on hard surface activities for now :roll_eyes: but also wanted to ask if anyone has been able to surf after having an ACL recon?
-And is there a type of brace I can wear to protect my knee, not with recovery but while being active once fully healed.

I’ve unloaded my report if anyone wanted to have a go at deciphering it for me :sweat_smile: I would love some info on how bad my menisci tears are since its another two months until my apt.