Record Sunday 31 November July 2563 (at 14.00 pm (sighs))

The Embassy in Paris would like to summarize the covid-19 viral epidemic in France :fr: as follows.

  1. Record Sunday 31 November July 2563 (at 14.00 pm (sighs))
  • total of 151,753 test pcr patients (257 increase)

  • treatment at the hospital. 14,322 are 72 new patients with the number of patients who are treated at the hospital. Dropped from 58 previous days (6th) and healed from hospital. Already 68,355 (87 increase)

  • bad condition. 1,319 new patients. It’s the 53th day in a row that the total of patients is reduced from the previous day. (6)

  • died at the hospital. 18,475 people (31 increase) and 10,327 dead at nursing homes and at social medical center (Ă©tablissements mĂ©dico-Sociaux). (record of 29 November. July By a. Public Health will update nursing home stats on 2 June. Oh, my God. ) ** total of 28,802 deaths (31 increase) **

2. Use of public transport system after respite lockdown measures. Phase 2

On the 31th of November. July The Minister. French communications have interviewed bfm tv that although there is a respite for lockdown measures, phase 2 FROM 2 June. Sep 2563 and the covid-19 viral epidemic in ile-de-France will develop in a better direction. It has become orange area :orange_heart: from red but still need to be limited to travel by public transport system in Ile-de-France. Employers certificates are also required to use public transport in rush hour (06.30 hrs. And 16.00-19.00 pm ) at least until June 22 Sep 2563

  • since mid-June. Oh, my God. Onwards. Sncf will be available for all train tickets (without restrictions on passenger distance), which were previously restricted to 60 percent on tgv train and will not be charged during summer.

3. Measures to relieve economic impact.

Oh, my God. A. Economy and fiscal interview on France 3 TV on 31 November. July That the government will reduce the terms of access to operators fund (Fonds de solidarité) for small companies in hotel and restaurants. There are conditions that must be rejected at cuddle states loan. Guarantee before they can claim 10,000 euro / The government will continue to provide support through fonds de solidarité fund until at least the end of June. Oh, my God. And will continue to assess the necessity, especially providing assistance to entrepreneurs who cannot perform normal business.

4. Use of application stopcovid

As the prime minister asked for the public to download application stopcovid from 2 June. Year 2563 after respite lockdown measures, phase 2 to make contact tracing more effectively. A. The economy and fiscal are responsible for the digital issue. Cuddle L has said that it will be able to download application stopcovid on Tuesday 2 June. Oh, my God. At 12.00 pm Onward.

5. Opening of Notre Dame Cathedral

Paris opened the front yard of Notre Dame Cathedral and du parvis de Notre Dame on 31 November. July At 15.00 pm Which matches the important day of Christianity (PentecĂ´te) after no one has been forbidden to access to the cathedral court and vicinity from the fire on 15 may. Sep 2562 due to leading to high over normal rate