Sex Right and Contraception for Mentally Disable Person

Sex Right and Contraception for Mentally Disable Person

Right to Have Sex: a person with intellectual disability, like any other adult, has the right to make their own decisions. When discuss with her/him, See the person alone for at least part of the consultation. Ask the person’s permission to discuss sexual issue. Use plain language or patient language. Use visual material such as pictures or models as patient may not understand or able to express English.

Contraception: supervised use of oral contraceptives, the subcutaneous progestogen implant or the progestogen containing intrauterine device, although a woman with intellectual disability may need sedation or anaesthesia for insertion. Long term depot medroxyprogesterone acetate is commonly given to women with intellectual disability, but this is associated with weight gain and osteoporosis. All states and territories in Australia have legal restrictions relating to sterilisation for women with intellectual disability: in general, this must be approved by the relevant guardianship authority

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Dr Mathew.,