So i successfully completed amc part 1 and am now considering preparing for the clinical exam

Hi guys, so i successfully completed amc part 1 and am now considering preparing for the clinical exam. I dont know if this will work for you, but this is how i studied for and passed the MCQ exam.

I read the whole of john murtagh and made my own set of summarized notes from that text book.

I read over my JM notes that i had made as well as the notes from the online lectures

  • then i did all the questions from the mcq handbook, go over them properly,understand the answers because you wont get exactly the same questions in your exam but the same topics will come out. concentrate on psych.

  • Then i did the mock exam on the amc website but that was silly because it was exactly the same questions from the amc handbook, and only 50 questions. But u can use it to check if your recalled the answers and understood the content

  • i bought a 3 month subscription from AMCQBANK and did all 1800 or so mcqs

-Then i went back and re did the mcqs in the amc handbook

Topics to concentrate on based on common things in all the mcqs i did:

eating disorders

snake bite

all emergency medicine including recognising ecgs


sodium disorders

all psych esp schizophrenia and its prevalence and incidence, autism, adhd

all side effects of medication egs the antipsychotics, digoxin, warfarin

domestic abuse and elderly abuse

screening guidelines for all the cancers

prostate and lung ca management

vaccination schedule

pregnant mums and infections egs varicella, rubella, syphillis during different trimesters

dermatology, unfortunately one of the hardest things to study but go over melanoma and sq cell ca, impetigo

reading mamogram

reading ct scan head esp, but they also ask to identify problem on abdominal ct

stemi and its management, gout management, peptic ulcer management

Post bypass now patient needs surgery for another problem - what to do if on clopidogrel, or warfarin or aspirin

Its alot of work and its extensive but this is how i studied for it.This worked for me, but i also had a lot of clinical knowledge and experience having graduated 12 years ago. i hope it works for you. So goodluck to you. It took me 5 months of daily studying and the last 6 weeks of about 10 hrs of studying a day.