The bright and clean-hearted people become the center of the attention of others

Dental safety

The bright and clean-hearted people become the center of the attention of others. Beautiful teeth put the smile four moon. The teeth are a part of the beauty of the face. If there is a type of flaw or disease in the teeth, then the beauty den read With lots of blessings you can do. The maintenance of teeth should be more than the body and the face.
If the teeth are cleaned at least twice every day, then it can be safe from many diseases of teeth. Especially after eating sweet, must clean the teeth because in gratitude there is a special type of bacteria that saliva Together with the help of the tooth, the tooth of the tooth is the same.
Dental Protection is necessary to avoid dental diseases and to maintain beauty, to be brush with a good toothpaste every morning, if possible then it should be done after every meal.
Millions of people around the world are in different diseases of teeth, with gum, swelling and swelling, and the birth of pus and jealousy is more painful and common.
In Gum, the pain of swelling is the same as the body of the body. The Plạḵ is actually a substance that is not cleaned by the teeth as well as the yamuna. As a result, the mswڑھے are in different diseases. Brushing is a complete cleaning of teeth. According to the opinion of experts, if the diet is included in a few types of he that are helpful in the health and cleaning of teeth and gum, it can be enjoyed with good health and food for a long time.
Below are some useful tips for teeth.
According to experts, all the fruits that are filled with Vitamin C, e.g. Keno, Malta, guava, strawberry etc. Their daily use is strengthened by the bạftwں of gum muscle.
Use of white teeth in food or salad cleaning the bottom of the plạḵ and the outer bottom of the teeth means the strength of the oil.
The Calcium found in white teeth makes the teeth of the teeth and gum strong. A table of spoon spoon is not only used to clean teeth but also calcium.
The use of cheese in the body is very useful to the need of calcium. If a piece of cheese is eaten after eating, it is also useful in reducing the fast of the cause materials in the mouth.
Gnڈy̰ry̰ or sugarcane is only better to improve the system of ہạḍmے, but it can also be done by the cleaning of teeth and gum.
All the deep green leaves including spinach are a good source of calcium and magnesium. It also gives strength to calcium bones.
Onions have powerful types of anti-bacterial sulphur blends.
According to the health of experts, the onion has the ability to destroy different types of bacteria in the onion. the onion is considered to be more useful to use as a salad in the raw condition. Its offensive smell is collapsed by chewy a few leaves of mint or dھny̰ے.
By Mixing Mustard Oil, lemon juice, soda salt, the teeth are clean. This is useful in getting pain and teeth.
In Mustard Oil, after mixing the salt with a very subtle piece of salt, the tooth pain is better than the pain, and the pain is squeezed in the teeth.
It is useful for the tooth to be clove, or it is useful to oil it. Cut it in the sun and eat it in the sun, and when it dries up the skin, it will make it fine and fill it in a shishi.
Three times a day the teeth will be cleaned, and the teeth will be removed. These are the afflictions of the teeth.
It is the most easy and useful tip that is considered to be the most easy and useful tip in which neem water is mixed with salt and it is stronger than the teeth. It is the same as the day when it gets cool and hot in the teeth. Can get rid of.
The Honey is strengthened by eating the honey in the vinegar.
The five-Inch Slice of Arjun’s fibre in the water is very good. The teeth will be strong, shiny, and the mouth will not stink.
It is necessary to keep gum healthy that the blood is appropriate between the teeth and the sides of the gum.
Two drops of mustard oil and a pinch of salt will shine on the teeth, and the teeth will shine in the teeth. In the pain of the heart, a number of clove is filled with a piece of wool, and in the pain it will be better.
To make teeth shiny, clean the teeth with neem fibre. If the lemon juice is on the teeth, it goes down with a steady mile. The swelling of the gum makes the gum healthy.
In order to strengthen your teeth, mix with your head and honey and make them grow. Then in the morning and in the evening, they will bud a few minutes. The teeth will be strong and bright. The food will be taken care of the food and the effort. Go to the diet with vitamin, mineral and protein protein in enough quantity. Using raw fodder, Apple, fold makes gum workout.
Caution. Avoid using tobacco. It is not only the teeth that can be smoked and the breath can be smoked but the gum can be the result of damage and throat cancer. Too much thanks or fenugreek should be avoided. , cẖạḵly̰ٹs, ٹẠfy̰ạں (Ḵy̰nڈy̰z) and many more grateful drinks are not favorite in the eyes of mʿạljy̰n today.
There is a lot of quantity in mouth which is finally finished by going to the tooth disorder.
The tooth nature has made the food to chewy, so take care of them, let them be " teeth don’t make any kind of cover and a tool to open. This is how they don’t try to cut, tear, tear and break such things. For whom there are different tools.
If you are bleeding from gum, then it is not a good sign. in such a situation, the first one should refer to the dental doctor. The precautionary measures and the use of a few things in the house are also used by the use of a few things that are used in the There can be a lot of help to overcome the pain of the mswڑwں.