The right way to use creams and moisturisers (IMO)

The right way to use creams and moisturisers (IMO)

When it comes to treating your eczema, it’s important to understand that creams alone will do very little for treating the root cause of your eczema. However, they can be a useful tool to supplement a health-conscious lifestyle.

When it comes to creams, ideally you want to be in a position where you’re using only high-quality moisturisers made from natural and organic ingredients. I would recommend that you avoid applying topical steroids as much as possible, especially, on a regular basis.

If you find yourself dependant upon topical steroids to treat your skin, it’s a clear sign that your internal bodily systems are overstressed, and you have high levels of inflammation in your gut. In this scenario, the best thing for you to do is to identify the root cause of your triggers and then begin regulating your diet, rest, and stress levels effectively to reduce the cause of the inflammation in the gut. Additionally, you should slowly wean yourself off the steroids by progressively reducing the amount of the steroid your applying, the concentration level of the steroid, and also the frequency of which you are applying it.

Eventually, your body will begin to detoxify itself and your skin will begin to produce its own moisture and natural oils to keep itself smooth and healthy. At this stage you eczema will be under control as your body will be healing itself and we can being to utilise a moisturiser by regularly applying it to any dry patches on the skin.

It’s important to note that if your inflammation levels are kept low in the body and your limbic and lymphatic systems are not stressed, then there should be no requirement to use a moisturisers in the first place. However, on the off chance that you have some dry patches form on your skin from poor dietary or lifestyle choices, then the moisturiser is a good way of keeping it from getting out of control, and controlling any itching or scratching sensations.

I work with people who’ve had chronic eczema for long periods of time to identify and manage their flare ups and triggers to gain complete freedom from their eczema. If any of you would love to connect or learn more, feel free to send me a friend request.

PS. I do understand a lot of you find great relief in using topical steroids, and the idea of no longer using then may feel intimidating or controversial, and if that works for you, then I completely understand and of course, you can carry on using them. However, it’s just been my experience coaching people with eczema that it doesn’t help with getting to the cause of their flare ups and triggers and dealing with them head on.