There is one Hyothalamus although most of other structures are dual in neurology

There is one Hyothalamus although most of other structures are dual in neurology.
It’s located below the thalamus so it makes floor of the 3rd ventricle. It’s in front of the midbrain. Attached on its inferior surface are ( front to back ) Optic Chiasma,Pitutary stalk & Mamillary body.

It’s head of following…

  1. Autonomic nervous system-in collaboration with Limbic system

  2. Endocrine system in collaboration with Pituitary gland ( except for Parathyroid, Pancreas & Adrenal Medulla which are not under their control). It stimulates all pituitary functions except Prolactin which is suppressed by Hypothalamus by producing Dopamine. So if its hypopitutrism due to pituitary gland all pituitary hormones will be reduced whereas if its hypopitutrism due to hypothalamus , prolactin will be high. Also ADH is produced by Hypothalamus( not by Pituitary) so hypothalamus disease can cause ADH defi but ADH will be normal if its pituitary disease.

  3. All basic needs/ instincts of human life are Hypothalamic regulated; sleep, appetite, satiety,thirst,sexual desire, temperature regulation etc etc.

It also has some role in Papez circuit in collaboration with Mamillary body.

So hypothalamic disease can present with autonomic failure, hypopitutrism with high prolactin, Excess of pituitary hormone(s),ADH deficiency/ Excess, hypo or hyperthermia, excessive hunger or anorexia, insomnia or somnolence , excessive thirst or loss of thirst, excessive sexual desire or no sex desire. It can also present with psychological issues as its partner with Limbic system.

Whenever we don’t find any non neurological cause of above problems, we should keep Hypothalamic problems in mind.See More