Tonsillectomy patient shifted to post op care and presented with bleeding

Tonsillectomy patient shifted to post op care and presented with bleeding … what is best management?

  1. Shift to OT, Remove clot and pressure bandages

  2. Shift to OT, and Ligate the vessel

Why unnecessarily making confusion… ‘shift to Ot Remove clots and cautery if there is any bleeder’… This was d option… and it will be d answer… U hv to remove d clot as clot prevents retraction of blood vessel…

probably didn’t get me… The options that u hv put were wrong …no such combination was there…what i hv written Was d option… Three things: shift to ot, remove clots, cauterize if any bleeder…

Anjali Makhecha one of the options were like remove clots and observation I think… And I opted for that option

1.give hemostatic agent and garggles for 24 hours and observe.

  1. Shift to OT , ligate

  2. Shift to OT, cautery

  3. Wait and watch

Check below references from Dhingra/ScottBrown/Bailey&Love.

One thing is clear for sure- we do not wait and watch .

the next question is - should we ligate or electrocauterise?