True about serous otitis media are all except?

True about serous otitis media are all
except ?
a) Also called glue ear
b) Affect school going children
c) Type C tympanogram
d) Fluid in middle ear
Correct Answer - C
Ans. is `c’ i.e., Type C tympanogram
Serous otitis media
Serous otitis media (SOM) has many synonyms : Serous otitis
media, otitis media with effusion, glue ear, non-suppurative otitis
media, mucoid otitis media, silent otitis media. SOM is an insidious
condition in which there is thick or sticky non-purulent fluid behind
the eardrum in the middle ear, but there is no ear infection, i.e.,
effusion of middle ear without infection. Fluid in the middle ear is
sterile. SOM occurs most commonly in school going children and
SOM is the commonest cause of childhood hearing loss.

  1. Eustachian tube dysfunction
    Eustachian tube dysfunction, coupled with recurrent upper
    respiratory tract infection is the most important factor in the
    development of SOM. Normally eustachian tube helps to drain fluids
    to prevent them from building up in the ear. In Eustachian tube
    dysfunction, it is unable to drain the fluid. Following can cause
    Eustachian tube block :-
  2. Respiratory tract infection :- Adenoid, rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis.
  3. Allergies
  4. Benign and malignant tumor of nasopharynx
  5. Unresolved otitis media
    Inadequate antibiotic therapy in acute suppurative otitis media may
    inactivate infection but fails to resolve it completely. Low grade
    infection lingers on and acts as stimulus for mucosa to secrete more
    Clinical features
    Unlike children with an ear infection (ASOM), children with SOM do
    not act sick. o The only presenting symptom may be hearing loss
    with fullness in ear.
    Otoscopic finding of SOM
    Air bubbles on the surface of ear drum
    Fluid behind the eardrum.
    Dullness of the eardrum when a light is used, with loss of light reflex.
    o Eardrum may appear yellow, grey or bluish in colour.
    Retracted eardrum with decreased mobility
    Tympanometry shows type B tympanogram.