Types of sensitive skin

  1. Naturally sensitive skin
    Naturally sensitive skin is genetic. Such people might be predisposed to inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema or rosacea.
    Although these are genetic conditions that are impossible to prevent. According to American Academy of Dermatology flares of eczema, or rosacea can be triggered by various external factors, including certain foods, fabrics and weather changes. By figuring out these triggers and avoiding them whenever possible, can help to minimize the amount of flare-ups.

  2. Environmentally sentitized

These might include sun exposure, certain skincare products, smoking or air pollution.
Unlike naturally sensitive skin, skin that has become sensitized by environmental factors is not a genetic condition. This means that although you weren’t necessarily born with sensitive skin, your skin has developed a sensitivity to certain extrinsic factors. These might include sun exposure, certain skincare products, smoking or air pollution.

  1. Reactive

Reactive skin, it very rapidly reacts to harsh skincare products by becoming red, warm and irritated. This type of sensitive skin is more common among women and men with lighter skin tones, although anyone can experience it.
The best way to deal with reactive skin is to pay close attention to the ingredients in skincare products.

  1. Thin skin

Thin skin may seem to become red very easily, or veins and capillaries may be more visible, creating a flushed appearance. This is because thin skin is more translucent than thicker skin, allowing you to more easily see the colored veins underneath.