Watch Jennifer share how she healed crippling brain fog

Watch Jennifer share how she healed crippling brain fog, tingles and numbness in her legs, extreme panic disorder, joint pain, fatigue, endometriosis, trouble breathing and swallowing, and more. Thank you Jennifer for sharing your story and inspiring so many others!

Chronic brain fog can be very disruptive in someone’s life. “Brain fog mostly stems from the liver and partly from the brain. As you know by now, the liver harbors certain troublemakers—for example, the pathogen EBV. Many, many people carry an EBV viral load in the liver without realizing it. If your liver is also filled with other troublemakers, they’ll provide food to the virus. One such food is adrenaline, which you know the liver soaks up like a sponge in order to protect you from this stress hormone scorching your central nervous system when you’re in fight-or-flight (even the milder forms of it, like driving in heavy traffic). That fear-based adrenaline is one food source for EBV.

Toxic heavy metals and pesticides are other favorite viral foods. The very reason that viruses such as EBV camp out in the liver is because the food sources there are so plentiful. When EBV consumes them, it releases different forms of waste matter, one of which is a neurotoxin. As the liver fills up with these neurotoxins, it reaches capacity, at which point they escape into the bloodstream as blood is flowing from the liver. Neurotoxins have a unique travel ability, an infiltration quality, almost like a fumigant, that allows them to easily transport themselves to different places—it’s what lets them cross the blood-brain barrier. In the brain, they can cloud up, interfere with, and short-circuit neurotransmitters.”

Find out the true cause of brain fog, panic disorder, and more and how you too can heal in the NY Times best-selling book Medical Medium Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease by Anthony William -