What Is The Best Medicines For Treatment Of Ghonorrhea, Staflococus And Syphilis?

What Is The Best Medicines For Treatment Of Ghonorrhea, Staflococus And Syphilis?

Doxycycline and Oxytetracycline are recommended but consult your doctor before taking any drug.

Gonorrhea use ciprofloxacill or Azithromycin for staphylococcus use Cloxacillin for syphilis use Benzanthine penicillin

Gonorrhea is treated with ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, or cefotaxime is usually effective

Hmmm na only you carry all this wahala? Guy you too dey chuku chuku.

Ganorrhea is treated ceftrazone and ciprofloxacin after investigation

Syphilis use Benzathine penicillin g…Doesn’t matter the stage

Gonorrhea treat. Levo 1od 10day,

Getamycin inj 5day

Flagyl 1tds 5/7

Doxycap 1bd 5/7

Try and see for sure use togomycin injection the infection we go

Is depent on the severity, strong anty biotic is also used.