What is the size of particle is rapid sand filter?

  1. what is the size of particle is rapid sand filter ? c ( answer is 0.4 to 0.7 mm )
    a. o.1 mm
    b. 0.2
    c. 0.5
    d. 0.8
  2. what is diagnosed by xenodiagnosis ? a
    a. chagas
    b. malaria
    c. kala azar
  3. whip test is used for ? c
    a. candida
    b. gardenella
    c. trichomonas
  4. no need to treat partner in ? d
    a. trichomonas
    b. gardenella
    c. herpex genitalis
    d. candida
  5. most common cause of primary adrenal insufficiency in india ? b
    a. autoimmune
    b. TB