What you’re looking at right now is a uterus–The organ of life"

What you’re looking at right now is a #uterus–The organ of life".
All women (except with a congenital disorder known as MRKH or vaginal agenesis - missing uterus) are born with this wonderful organ and most people have never really seen it.

Its normal size is about 3 inches long and 2 inches wide, the uterus is a 3 layered organ from inside to outside those layers are;
(i) Endometrium
(ii) Myometrium
(iii) Perimetrium

The uterus has the capacity to expand over 200% its size when its time to house a fetus.
When it senses fertilization it gets ready to hold a pregnancy by preparation and shedding of the endometrium of its own. Every month it self destruct and rebuilds under the influence of menstruation, it has the power to bear up to 150times its own weight
It is the only organ capable of creating another organ ‘The placenta’
It is connected to emotions as well, if you get stressed, it get stressed, if you relax, it relaxes
In the same organ women has got a tremendous ability to hold and grow life inside and as a matter of fact uterus is the industry where we all come from

Let’s thank, appreciate and adore the generosity of women.