Which of the following complications is this patient at greatest risk of developing?

15 day full term girl is brought to the office with runny nose, cough, and fussiness over the past 2 days. Her birth Hx. is unremarkable and she has been feeding and growing well. The girl has a sibling in day care, where other children have been ill. Temp 37.8 C (100 F), respirations are 70/min and pulse oximetry is 95% on room air. Examination shows crying infant with clear rhinorrhea and bilateral wheezes and crackles. Which of the following complications is this patient at greatest risk of developing?

A. Apnea
B. Bacteremia
C. Bacterial pneumonia
D. Fungal pneumonia
E. Lymphoma

A. Apnea (Correct)
This infant has bronchiolitis usually caused by RSV. In older children it is usually self limiting, but in < 2 y.o, it tends to involve the lower respiratory tract. Symptoms usually include wheezing/crackles, and respiratory distress. Neonates are especially vulnerable to complications such as apnea and respiratory failure