Which of the following would alert the nurse to suspect that a neonate delivered at 34 weeks’ gestation

Which of the following would alert the nurse

to suspect that a neonate delivered at 34 weeks’ gestation

who is currently in an isolette with humidifi

ed oxygen and receiving intravenous fl uids has

developed overhydration?

■ 1. Hypernatremia.

■ 2. Polycythemia.

■ 3. Hypoproteinemia.

■ 4. Increased urine specifi c gravity.

  1. Decreased protein or hypoproteinemia is

a sign of overhydration, which can lead to patent

ductus arteriosus or congestive heart failure. Bulging

fontanels, decreased serum sodium, decreased urine

specifi c gravity, and decreased hematocrit are other

signs of overhydration. Hypernatremia (increased

serum sodium concentration) or increased urine

specifi c gravity would suggest dehydration, not

overhydration. Polycythemia evidenced by an

elevated hematocrit would suggest hypoxia or

congenital heart disorder.