Why do men fall asleep after love?

Why do men fall asleep after love?

During love, sensory and neurons are strongly boosted. But after the achievement of pleasure, the body and brain gradually relax. In a few minutes, some have an ability to join Morpheus’s arms in a snap of fingers.
Men are more concerned.

But how to explain this transition from total awakening to deep sleep?

The sexual act makes your desire for the other and chuffs all the control you can have from your body and brain in normal time. But once the pinnacle is reached, several desires are felt. Among other things, that of… falling asleep! Especially men. “after love, they enter a refractory phase during which awakening is a challenge”, explains the psychologist professor serge stoléra * Author of a study on the subject published in 2012.

From emotion to calm
To understand these brain mechanisms during the rocking between orgasm and the desire to sleep, professor serge stoléra studied by scan the brain of men during and after love. During the act, the digastric area (which stimulates the view), the previous rostral (empathy and blood pressure regulation) and the island (linked to emotions and addiction) are in full activity.

In Man, the female ejaculation then reduces the activity of the pre-front brain, headquarters of executive functions (command gestures and coordination). After orgasm, the brain brain, the seat of consciousness, is reconnects. The cortex brain and the Amygdala then send a message to the brain: " desire is dulls, place to reward hormones (Serotonin) and well-being ". the " Anxiolytic " effect is felt in the minutes following this dynamic Brain, appeasement and sleep are at the rendez-vous.

Note: Women can also fall asleep very quickly after love. But they would be less subject to this mechanism because the secretions of the hormones of attachment and confidence after orgasm dominate. The desire for hugs and words therefore take over the imminent extinction of men’s fires.