2015 May AIIMS Questions and answers – previous question papers

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) conducts PG Entrance examination twice a year for admission to 160 MD/MS and MDS seats in various streams out of which 150 are medical and 16 are dental seats.

The MD/MS and MDS entrance exam for AIIMS PG 2015 July session was conducted this Sunday, 10th of May 2015. AIIMS post graduate entrance exams held online throughout the country decided the fate, talent and skills of the top enthusiastic future specialized doctors in the country.

The exam conducted had 200 solid questions with a 3 hour duration to answer the same. Each correct answer receives 4 marks, and for every incorrect answer, 25% i.e 1 mark is deducted.

The paper had around 6-8 repeats direct/indirect from the previous paper of Nov 2014. The overall repeats from 10 year would only reach a maximum of 20. The image based challenges in this paper were around 10.

On interviewing the doctors who gave this exam, they stated:

“The exam was more of a clinical oriented. AIIMS maintained its standards and it was a tough one to crack.”

A repeater stated that “Aiims Nov 2014 was not even close to being called tough as it could be solved with previous papers of ten years and their explanation, this AIIMS was very clinical based and a real challenge”

“Even an average student would have been able to crack AIIMS or get an eligibility with past papers as all it had, could be answered with question and answer based books like Amit Ashish or ACROSS and the explanation they had.

“Even few of the question were found to have confusing answers was a statement by another student”

“Having a command on each subjects with a subjectwise books will only yield fruitful results”

“The trend is changing and more emphasis is given for clinical aspects rather than facts.Most people have answered only 170-180 questions scared of carrying a negative mark. The cream of this exam can be expected to have a score of 65-70% with the toughness of the exam.”

2015 May AIIMS Questions and answers – A Bird view into the content.


Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis is treated locally by


Answer: B. Mechanical/laser removal of the papillomatous lesions combined with cidofovir injection, control visits and indirect laryngoscopy (stroboscopy) in outpatient clinic every 4–6 weeks, immediate hospitalization, and another surgical procedure in suspicion of recurrence.

Maximum total dose of cidofovir should not exceed 3 mg/kg.

Due to high toxicity of cidofovir,analysis of laboratory parameters like morphology with blood smear, urea, creatinine, ALT, AST, and bilirubin levels before the treatment, 1 day and 4 weeks after the injection.

All papillomas should be examined histopathologically to exclude any dysplastic features or malignant transformation.

A child has disc battery in the nose .Which is most appropriate concern ?

Keep on instilling nasal drops intermittently till the foreign body dislodges
Keep the battery as it is and refer to higher expertise for removal
Battery contents might leak resulting into chemical damage of the surrounding tissue
Elective removal as the child has high risk of contracting tetanus.

Answer: B. Keep the battery as it is and refer to higher expertise for removal

HPV do not cause which type of carcinoma

Base of tongue carcinoma
Tonsillar carcinoma
Oropharyngeal carcinoma
Laryngeal papillomatosis

Answer: C. Oro pharyngeal carcinoma

Artery supplying nasopharyngeal angiofibroma?

Ascending pharyngeal
Internal masseter

Kashima operation done for

Vocal cords
Industry surgery

Answer: A. Vocal cords

Most reliable test for eustachian tube dysfunction:

Politzer test



Oil red O: is fat stain used on frozen sections (cryostat sections)
Lymphoma with starry sky appearance: C Myc (seen in burkitt’s)
Multiple factor deficiency: treatment is FFP ( not Cryo because cryo has only factor 8,13,vwf and fibrinogen) (not whole blood also because plasma in stored whole blood is deficient in factor 8 &5)
Platelets transfused pre operatively in thrombocytopenia to keep the levels at? 50000 (minimum)
Cause of caseous necrosis in TB: Delayed type of Hypersensitivity (t cells kill mycobacteria)
Female with suspected ovarian mass, on laparoscopy was found to have a smooth surface tumors with signet rings and mucin secreting cells: Krukenberg
Factor responsible for adhesion in platelets? : vwF
Factor increasing strength of clot: factor 13
Inheritance of ABO: codominant
Severity of disease increases with every generation: Anticipation-
Not autoimmune disease: UC
Crumpled tissue paper appearance: glucocerebroside accumulation (gaucher’s disease)
Fibroblasts in incised wound: 4-5 days
Forward scatter in Flow cytometry: indicates size of cell (side scatter indicates granularity of cell)
Microscopic view of fluorescent green RBCs on a dark background …. mechanism by which image is viewed?

By cathode ray tube
By dark field/phase condenser
Dichroic mirror
Phase plate

Answer: Dichroic mirror: this image is fluorescent microscopic image. Dichroic mirror transmits only one wavelength ( emitted by dye) not the light from source that is the reason why all fluorescent microscopic images are in black background

Crumpled tissue paper appearance of a cell on bone marrow examination – glucocerebroside accumulation in a cell.
Most abundant collagen in basement membrane – type 4
Carcinoma thyroid spreads mostly by lymphatics – papillary
Forward scatter in flow cytometry – cell size
Receptor for IgE is present on – mast cell
A karyogram with 2X and 1Y chromosome was given. Diagnosis is Klinefelter syndrome – gynecomastia with thin extremities.
Ovarian mass with smooth surface tumor with signet ring cells and mucin secreting cells – Krukenbergs tumor.
Diagnosis of Langerhan cell histiocytosis – Birbeck granules

Reticular fibres of collagen tissues are present in all except

Bone marrow
Lymph node

Answer: B. Bone marrow

Brown fat is not found in

around blood vessel

Two barr bodies are seen in??

47 XXY
46 XX

Answer: A. Barr body is equal to no of x chromosome minus one


Dexa dose for lung maturity

6 mg 4time 12 hrs apart
6 mg 2 time 24 hrs apart
12 mg 2 time 24 hrs apart
12 mg 4 times 12 hrs apart

Answer: A.

Dose of carbetocin 100 mcg over 1 min I/v
Dose of FA 4mg
Fistula question is ureterovaginal
Amenorrhea galactorrhoea syndrome hcg
Amenorrhea breast development AIS
Proteinuria severe preeclampsia is 2gm
6wk preg safe and accurate is Usg
Supports all except are recto ago all septum
Sperm count : 1.5 ml 15 million 4% and 32%
Unprotected intercourse:  copper T
Signet ring cells:  Krukenberg
40 year old infertility and pcos:  ocp
Oocyte prophase
Recurrent abortion Vdrl

Drug of choice in hypertension in pregnancy


Answer: B.

Drug contraindicated in hypertension in pregnancy


Answer: D.

Drugs contraindicated in pregnancy? Methotrexate, azathioprine, cyclosporine, retinoids


Diastolic BP of 200 persons, values of 1st and 3rd quartile is 90 and 102 respectively. How many persons have diastolic BP above 102.


Nikshay software of Govt.of India is for

High risk neonate
High risk pregnancy
Malaria/ accident or HIV

Sensitivity is

True positive
True negative
False positive
False negative

Mean GFR of 100 pt is 85 ml/min. SD is 25 ml/min. 90% confidence interval values lies between

80 and 90
81 and 89
75 and 95
83 and 87

In one study, highest value of 58 was mistakenly taken as 85.. This mistake will lead to

High mean, high median
High mean, same median
Low mean, same median
Same mean, high median

HDI includes

Life expectancy at birth, knowledge, descent life style
Life expectancy at one year, knowledge, descent lifestyle
Life expectancy at one year,…


Which of the following is not a branch of Ext carotid – transverse cervical
Which of the following does not have microvilli – CD
Fusion of xiphi and sternal body occurs at what age? – 8/12/16 years?
Which nucleus deep to facial colliculus – Abducens
Which of the following is not derived from mesonephric duct – Glomerulus
Which of the following is not a support of uterus – urogen diap/pelvic diap/perineal body/?
Nerve not having GVE – Olfactory


Graph on cardiac cycle – point E
Extracellular fluid calculation – 18L
If resistance is doubled what’s the flow in vessel
Voluntary output fibres – Alpha/Gamma/both
Brown fat in all except – Subcut/Scapula/Adrenal cortex/along vessel
Beta cell also produces – Amylin

VII. Biochem

Common enz bwn Glycogenesis and Glycogenolysis
siRNA – knock out/in/down
Q on glycogen storage diseases – history given
on total cholesterol HDL, LDL and something to calculate
A 6 month old child started vomiting and ceased to gain weight. At 8 months, he had to be admitted to the hospital. After one week, he started getting drowsy. He couldn’t tolerate feeding even by gastrostomy and had to be given intravenous glucose, following which he improved dramatically and came out of coma in 24 hours. Physical examination was normal, but his urine had high levels of glutamine and uracil, and increased levels of ammonia in blood. What is the enzyme defect he has?

Ornithine transcarbamoylase
Carbamoyl phosphate synthase 1
Argininosuccinate synthase


Methacholine – M2 agonist
Which of the following is protease inhibitor


Haloperidol – starts with tremor – doc – carbamazepine
Some muscle twitching over eyes – drug to be used?
Drug not acting by insulin release? Pioglitazone

Lipolysis by which adrenoceptor

Alfa 1
Alfa 2
Beta 3

Methacholine agonist at


Answer: A. Agonist of muscarinic receptors: M1-Oxotremorine, M2- Methacholine, M3- Bethanechol

Which of the following topical agents causes heterochromia iridis?


Answer: A. Latanoprost

Which of the following diuretic is most appropriate for mild or moderate HTN??

loop diuretic
potassium sparing
osmotic diuretics

Carbetocin for postpartum hemorrhage?

10 ml in 2 mins
100 ml in 2 minutes
20 ml in 1 minute
200 ml in 2 minutes


Vibrio toxin acts by – desmosomes
Q on respiratory papillomatosis(one was HPV causes all cancer except – Ca tongue, Cw nasophar, Ca tonsil, Ca Respiratory mucosa?)
Hepatitis virus having retrovirus property?
Rheumatic fever suspected due to chorea but pharyngeal swab neg – best test now should b – ASO?/?
Person HBs pos but anti HBc neg – should tell pt that he is normal/do PCR DNA/repeat HBs after 6 months/?
Reverse transcriptase virus


Glyceryl Trinitrate is given sublingual as it is a

Nonionic compound with high lipid solubility
Ionic compound with high lipid solubility
Ionic compound with low lipid solubility
Nonionic compound with lipid solubility


Car falling down – diff between driver and bajuwala, seat belt
Wound on shin of tibia – patient was asked to do dressing, patient did not do the dressing, Doctor was in a busy schedule and doesn’t take care of the patient spreads to bone, negligence?
Site of knot in classical hanging ?

Mr.X shot mr.Y with shotgun, but Mr.Y got a small injury on thigh, and mild bleeding which stopped spontaneously. Bt still Mr.Y filed case against mr.X. What will be the IPC for penalty to Mr.X


Judicial hanging knot at

Angle of jaw
At mandible
Behind occiput
Depend on hangman

Criminal act 2013 . Conset age limit of Sexual Offences


Answer: B. 18yr

Delaying of death sentence by high court in case of pregnant female is delayed till delivery is under IPC


XIII. Ophth

Stain for Granular stromal dystrophy – masson’s trichrome
Trochanteric nerve palsy – ?

Which of the following drugs won’t cause whorls like opacities in cornea?



Characteristic marker of limbal epithelial cell


ANSWER: B. abcg2

The retina receives its blood supply from all except :-

posterior ciliary artery
central retinal artery
retinal arteries
plexus of zinn and haller artery

ANSWER D. supplies optic disc


RTA with hypoglycemia – i.v. Dextrose
Hypertensive bleed – Basal ganglia

Some lead poisoning case?????
First sign of alcohol withdrawal – tremors
DLCO increased in all except – Asthma
1-2 syndromes(hurler?)???????
Anomic aphasia – cannot name things but comprehension and all normal
Regarding TRALI, which is not true?

Present in 24 hrs
Hypoxemia and noncardiogenic pul edema are cardinal feat
assoc wid all blood products,characteristically with plasma
Mc in pt with sepsis and cardiac transplants

answer: TRALI is mostly associated with fresh frozen plasma and platelets, so the best answer look like occurs within 24 hrs.

Which of the following complications is likely to result after several units of blood transferred ?

Metabolic alkalosis.
Metabolic acidosis.
respiratory alkalosis.
respiratory acidosis

Most commonly involved part in hypertension

Basal ganglia

Bosentan- used in pulmonary artery hypertension.