205 on step 1 experience!

205 on step 1 experience!! Yaas and why it’s more important to read my experience more than the 270 ones ?! Read below and learn from my weakness and problem I faced …

-Board and beyond is so good !! It helps a lot especially if you have a weak base or forgot few info plus it helps a lot in knowing the most important subjects they usually ask about ( again he is so good and links the diseases and ideas well )

-I did BRS physio for cardio pulmonary

-pathoma videos offcourse number 1 to go through especially heme-onc where they are not written in a good way in first aid.

-I did Kaplan videos Dr turko for biochem he is so good and at the same time you “understand” biochem not only memories.

The video is 24 hours while in board and beyond total 8 hours and you get almost a good result too you choose )

-sketchy micro recommended by friends ( I’m good in micro so I didn’t need more videos ) but I had problem with pharma especially that you don’t know which is the most important clinical use and most important side effect soo the solution was scketchy pharma ( major progress ) and pharma now is piece of cake.

-YouTube !! “Dirty Medicine” is so good ! He has his own easy mnemonics and he is good ! Like u want to revise lower limb nerves just search for his video and watch it.

As you can see I studied so much 10-12 hours per day ! I literally know every disease and syndrome in the exam ! I helped my friends in their first read and “taught” them all the book ( I took it as revision to me and at the same time more challenging that I have to know how to make them understand things and I was so good as per them )


UWORLD SECOND PASS GOT 85% ! Confidence !!

I did first read of system then I revise and do almost half uworld quest of this system then i do the second system then Quest of second system with first one and continue this process.

NBMEs I did them offline and got 50-60 wrong quest ( they are harder than uworld and the exam but they are important as a process of studying and new diseases or ideas )

-Free 120 !!! Most important because literally it’s almost the same as the actual exam ! I got 75% Bas it was same ideas same way of questions and I found it the most important one for exam prediction and exam experience. ( each nbme exam or uworld assessment had different results for me so nothing is predictive )


Know the difference between diseases and link them in your head, maybe you can’t do it in your first read when u don’t know all the book but from the second one you start to get it for example:

U study the skin cancers, SCC and basal cell carcinoma and memorize them so well ok then what’s the difference?! They won’t always use the upper lip and lower lip difference, neither the sun exposure when it on the hand or face in general ( both areas are sun exposed but aktinic keratosis will be the hint )

Pseudopara and pseudopseudo para what’s the difference ?!

All medications of decrease acidity in stomach what’s the difference between h2 blockers and PPI on cellular level ?!

A parasite transmitted by ingestion, ( the EATT mnemonic) then google search for images get familiar with them,

SIADH, nephrogenic and central diabetes insipidus and psychogenic polydipsia which one with high osmolarity ?! Why the change in osmo?! What about the sodium in them ?! Why high why low ?! A simple table will helps a lot

The TORCH syndrome, know the syndrome and different signs and symptoms in the baby! Ok BUT ! sometimes they give you the symptoms of the mother and “baby had problem in his eye”, which means the differential toxo rubella CMV herpes ( almost all with problem in the eyes they don’t specify what is the problem ) what’s the hint here ?! The mother symptoms like “ CMV 80% is asymptotic in the mother “ rubella mother will have a Rash and LAD, parvo19 mother will have arthritis…

what about the genitals ulcers ?! There is 2 genitals ulcers are “painful” the others not and then see the other symptoms or the description of the ulcer to get the answer

The exam will make you eleminate 3 out of 5 of the answers to be lost between 2 answers so work on how to differentiate between 2 diseases or syndromes that are alike…

Focus on biostat and genetics they can’t be easily studied but they are not so hard I guess all the quest where wrong


When you’re solving a block and u get 40 or 30 % don’t be angry and lose hope ! U r studying not in the actual exam so who cares !

Don’t stop solving questions! AND IF YOU ARE DOWN OR BUSY OR DEPRESSED FORM THE EXHAUSTION JUST SIT AND SOLVE 5-10 quest per day but give them the efforts of whole day it will take solving and correcting them 1-2 hours max ?! Ok perfect !! I memorized ideas and answered them correct just my being so so focused while correcting these 5 quest which took max 1 hour a day from me ! And without reading the notes again! At first you’ll have 4/5 wrong next would be 2/5 wrong INADDITION TO THAT 5 quest per day for a month or 2 means 150-300 quest ( when you are down I mean ) at the end you solved 300 quest and studied them well and will see a huge progress that give you the motivation to get back to track!

Other than the troubles I had in the way of studying,Why I got low grade I ?! Due to covid19 the lockdown started 1 week before my exam in my country months ago, so I stopped studying cause I was exhausted ( 1 week before the exam !! ) and I didn’t know this lockdown how much will extend… and suddenly I know the exam center opened again after 2 months and I had to do the exam or have to wait till October ( all the seats form June till September where booked) I had 2 weeks to get the last read and revise my notes and get back to solving uworld quest ! I had a chance to get more than 220 at least before ! I really studied so hard and I can teach you biochem and any system and u can ace it I swear I’m ready and confident to this level ! But sometimes the circumstances try to destroy your future !

If I did 5 questions in these months or read 1 page of my notes the things would be different, but I didn’t and I couldn’t postpone for another 3 months ( all I wanted 10 more days max to be more ready )

The exam is doable! The ideas almost all in the first aid and uworld quest and explanations ( remember to read all and see why the answer A not B not C ) prepare by understanding you can’t go to the exam and don’t know what’s afterload and how it affects and affected by a medication or a heart disease.

THERE WERE NO QUESTION IN THE EXAMS WHICH I DIDNT KNOW AT ALL OR HAD NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT ! ( except one) only one ! All the questions I already read about or I know what they are and what they want and I had such a bad grade !!! ( I’m still in shock and can’t believe it )

You have to memorize and understand if you did these ways you can get easily more than 220-230 ! You want more you need to work more on your weak areas and use reference accordingly, I know one from same university I graduated from ( so same base ) got 270 just by using first aid uworld sketchy and pathoma

I wish I have time to help you study and for free just to make this scary exam as simple as it is…

I’ll try my best to answer any questions in the comments

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