4 years old typically has which milestone

Question–A 11 year old girl is shortest girl in her community of same age girls. Her mother went to GP and ask about maximal height growth. At which sexual maturity rating (SMR) stage, girls have maximal height velocity.

A. V

B. I




Question-- In GP clinic, a mother tells that her girl dresses herself and brushes her teeth without help. When you ask her, she copies a circle and cross, draws a simple figure of a person, hops on one foot, and balances on one foot for 3 seconds.
This girl’s developmental age is near to:

A. 10 years

B. 4 years

C. 8 years

D. 6 years

E. 11 years

Question – 4 years old typically has which milestone

A. Writes name

B. Say only ‘‘mama’’

C. Copies triangle

D. Speaks in sentences

E. Bounces and catches a ball

Question – A 15 month old girl is brought to GP by his Grandmother who has worry
regrading her development. Which of the following items She can perform by 15 months of age–
A. Kick a ball

B. Scribble on the paper

C. Plays alone

D. Echolalia

E. Hops

Question – during time of puberty, out of following changes which one is correct–

A. Early breast enlargement is always symmetrical

B. Menache is the first event

C. Breast enlargement occurs after pubic hair growth

D. Maximal growth velocity occurs on approximately 2 years earlier than in boys

E. Axillary hair growth occurs after pubic hair growth