6 essential vitamins and minerals for children

6 essential vitamins and minerals for children

The dietary needs of toddlers and teen ageers vary from adults. Are the foods you are giving your children meet their nutritional needs? What are the most important vitamins and minerals (minerals) for your children, let’s know.

According to Dr. Andrea Jiankoli, spokesman of Calcium Academy of Nutrition and Dietics, ′′ Calcium has a basic component in bones and dental development. The strength your child’s bones, including teeth, will gain in old age. The breaking process would be so slow
Calcium essentials * Children aged one to three years need 700 ml of calcium daily.

  • Children aged four to eight years need 1,000 ml of calcium daily.
  • Teenagers aged 9 to 18 years need 1,300 ml of calcium.

Calcium foods
Dairy products, salmon fish, dark green leaves vegetables such as nail (Kale) and Fortified foods contain calcium.

Fortified Foods
They are, artificially added to various vitamins or minerals, such as many ’ fruit juice s’ add calcium or add ’ vitamin D ’ to boxed milk.

Fiber, neither has any vitamin nor minerals. But, the foods that contain fiber are full of many important nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
How much fiber is needed?
Recommended amount of fiber is dependent on how many calories your child takes through their diet daily. One general rule is that your child should take about 14 grams of fiber along with one thousand calories. Children’s body also needs the same fiber daily, as adults. Dr. Jiankoli says, ′′ A four to eight year old, who is taking 1,500 calories daily, gets 25 Gram fiber is required and I myself take the same amount of fiber daily This means that teenagers who take a little less dose from adults should eat an average of 18 grams of fiber daily.
B vitamins are of utmost importance in B2 and other B vitaminzmetabolism, energy, healthy heart and neurosystem (nervous system) while B1 is counted as the most important B vitamins.
How much is Vitamin B 12 needed?*. Sesame kids: about 0.5 micrograms daily. * Kids up to three years old: about 0.9 micrograms daily. * Four to eight years old: about 1.2 micrograms daily * Nine to thirteen years old: Approximately 1.8 microgram daily. * Teen Edge: Approximately 2.4 microgram daily.

Foods with fiber
Foods that are found in full quantity of fiber include berry fruit (strawberry, blueberry, jamun, grapes, falsa and other small soft fruits), broccoli, avacado, and barley porridge. In addition, fiber is also present in all types of beans. Beans also found in protein, vitamin A and potassium.
Vitamin B 12 foods, Vitamin B 12 are mostly present in meat, poultry, fish and eggs. Mostly children get proper quantity of B 12 from their daily diet, however, children who eat more vegetables can get this. Deficiency can be faced. In such a way experts advise to eat fortified foods, including B2 exclusively. Find cyanocobalamin on the label, which is a dynamic component of vitamin B17. It happens.

How much Vitamin D is needed?
According to the American Academy of Pediatriation, young and young children should take at least 400 IU (international units) vitamin D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D Come to other foods. Children who are on formula milk should be given at least 32 ounce of vitamin D fortified formula milk daily.
Vitamin D, strengthens the bones in calcium sharing. Vitamin D also protects from chronic diseases in greatness.

Foods with vitamin D
Vitamin D is found in many types of fish. Egg yellow and fortified milk also contains vitamin D. For those who eat overdose of vegetables, food with fortified grain (serial) to get vitamin D daily. Should add to morra. The American Academy of Pediatrix advises all parents that if a child is not getting the 400 international units of vitamin D daily, they should give their children a vitamin D supplement.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E strengthens the body’s immune system. It cleanses blood drains and improves blood circulation.
Who needs how much?* Children from one to three years old need 9 international units of vitamin E daily.

  • 10.4 iu daily for children from four to 10.4 years old. * 16.4 iu daily for children from nine to thirteen years old. * Teen age equals 22 i.e. 22 i.u. daily.

Foods with Vitamin E
Vegetable oils such as sunflower and saffron oil, nuts and seeds including almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds are found in full quantity of vitamin E.