A 24-year-old mother with 7 weeks POG presents to ANC OPD with h/o accidental exposure to Chest x-ray

A 24-year-old mother with 7 weeks POG presents to ANC OPD with h/o accidental exposure to Chest x-ray. What will you advise her regarding pregnancy management?*

a. To continue pregnancy

b. To terminate pregnancy.

c. To check for chromosomal anomalies.

d. Pre-invasive diagnostic testing.

1.Correct Answer A*

Ans. a. To continue pregnancy

Ref: DC Dutta’s Textbook of Obstertrics 9th edition, Page no. 606

Effect on the fetus depends on gestational age and dose of radiation exposure

•Exposure more than 15 rad during 2nd and 3rd trimester and more than 5 rad in first trimester requires patient counselling (elective termination of pregnancy)

•Radiation within first 2 wks of conception may cause either embryonal demise or if survive No adverse effect (all or none phenomenon)

•Less than 5 rads at all gestation- no effect.