A 32-year-old patient presents for evaluation of left elbow pain

A 32-year-old patient presents for evaluation of left elbow pain. He endured a motorcycle crash at the age of 26. He was treated by an outside surgeon with ORIF & bone grafting from distal radius. Went on to a nonunion of the ulnar shaft, chronic radiocapitellar dislocation, and heterotopic ossification about the elbow.

Significant for obesity, anxiety, & chronic pain. Notably, the patient is < 0.5 pack per day smoker, drinks occasionally to excess, and is chronically dependent on Percocet & Oxycodone.

Focused physical exam reveals a well-healed incision without evidence of infection. Patient has tenderness about the nonunion site. He has functional range of motion of the elbow. Able to demonstrate cardinal hand motions. SILT throughout the hand. 2+ radial pulse

If you choose Operative management with addressing both the radius and ulna, what surgery would you perform for the radial head?

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