A 3yo child has been brought with facial lacerations

A 3yo child has been brought with facial lacerations. On examination he has some cuts over his
right cheek and under the eye. The GCS on initial evaluation is 15. What is the appropriate next
a. Skull XR
b. Facial XR
c. CT scan
d. MRI
e. Observation

A 44 year old patient comes with right hemiparesis. On examination he has left sided ptosis and
his left pupil is dilated. Where is the lesion?
A. Cerebral infarct
B. Cerebellar infarct
C. Medulla Oblongata
D. Pons
E. Mid Brain

75 years old male known case of HTN, otherwise healthy, no past significant hospital admission, presented with painful joints of hands
and feet when he wake up from sleep, and movement, O/E tender
small joints, painful on touch and little bit warm, DX
A. Osteoarthritis
B. Rheumatoid arthritis
C. Gout
D. Ankylosing spondylitis

A pt came to the hosp with a complaint of severe chest pain lasting for >1h. Following ECG test, pt revealed to haveST depression. He was already on aspirin. What is the most specific tx for this pt?
a. GTN
b. Simvastatin
c. Clopidogrel
d. BB

A 2 year old was brought to the accident and emergency, with bruises on the right anterior thigh and anterior leg. The left ankle was swollen and she refuses to move it. She was crying inconsolably.
What is the investigation of choice?
A. Blood culture
C. Bone marrow aspirate
D. Skeletal survey
E. Coagulation Screen

A 35 year old man presents with painless left testicular enlargement since past 6 months, which is increasing in size. The swelling is 3 times larger than the right testis; there is no tenderness or redness. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Testicular tumour
B. Hydrocele
C. Epididymal Cyst
D. Epididymo – orchitis
E. Reassure

A diabetic patient presented with exudates from a wound in his leg with poor healing and no
sign of inflammation. What is the cause of the poor wound healing in this diabetes meilitus patient?
A. Decreased phagocytosis process.
B. Stimulated bacterial growth.
C. Decreased immunity.
D. Increased blood supply to the wound

A man was brought to the ED from a shopping mall after collapsing there. He is conscious andanswering questions now. His ECG shows irregular rhythm. Your choice of inv:
a. CT
b. MRI
c. 24h ECG
d. Echo

A 15 years old female presents with right iliac fossa pain every 4-8 weeks which is very severe in the recent weeks. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Miscarriage
B. Ectopic pregnancy
C. Ovarian cyst
D. Torsion of ovarian cyst

A 37year old woman presents with heavy bleeding. Investigations show sub-serosal fibroid measuring 4cm and intramural fibroid of 6cm.What is the most appropriate treatment for her?
A. Uterine artery embolization
B. Abdominal Hysterectomy
C. Hysteroscopic myomectomy
D. Vaginal Hysterectomy
E. Abdominal myomectomy

A 50 year old man presents with headache, fever, and neck stiffness. His heart rate is 50,respiratory rate is 28 and Blood Pressure is 210/110mmHg. What is the single most appropriate
A. Dexamethasone
B. B-Blocker
C. Adrenaline
D. Mannitol
E. IV fluids

A 14 year old boy presents with recurrent abdominal pains, malaise, and weight loss over 6months. On examination a vague mass is felt in right iliac fossa. Colonoscopy shows transmural
inflammation and granulomata. What is the most appropriate management?
A. Sulfasalazine
B. Paracetamol
C. Metronidazole
D. Ibuprofen