A 75-year-old female presents to the ED after a ground level fall

A 75-year-old female presents to the ED after a ground level fall in which she tripped over a dog gate. After the fall she was unable to ambulate, and reports pain localized to the right knee. At baseline she is a community ambulator without any assistive devices.

No significant past medical history.

Focused exam of the right lower extremity reveals a 2 cm superficial abrasion to the anterolateral knee without open wounds. A palpable effusion is present. Moderate TTP diffusely about the right distal femur. Sensation is intact to all distributions of the RLE. Motor exam is grossly intact to EHL/FHL/GSC. PT and DP pulses are palpable. Compartments to the lower leg and thigh are soft and easily compressible.

If you choose Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) with a lateral plate, how proximal would you extend the plate?

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