A boy can grasp a rattle & recently he become able to transfer objects, hand to hand. He can do –

A boy can grasp a rattle & recently he become able to transfer objects, hand to hand. He can do –

    1. Babble
    1. Say ‘mama’ or dada
    1. Sit without support
    1. Stand with support
    1. Able to walk

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  • A child is able to grasp an object (palmar grasp) at the age of 7 months.
  • A child can transfer the object form one hand to another by the age of 5-7 months.
  • So, the age of this child is 7 months.
  • A 7 months old child can do :-
  1. Holds the objects with crude grasp from palm (palmar grasp)
  2. Pivots
  3. Shows stranger anxiety
  4. Resists if a toy is pulled from his hand
  5. Babbles
    About other options
  • A child produces bisyllable sound (mama, dada) and stands with support by 9 months.
  • A child sits without support by 8 months.