A man with writer Raynaud's phenomenon he exposes to smoke where he lives what do you advise him to do:

A man with writer Raynaud’s phenomenon he exposes to smoke where he lives what do you advise him
to do:
a) Smocking doesn’t affect the condition
b) Wear anti vibration gloves
c) Keep warm core temp

A 65yo woman presented with transient arm and leg weakness as well as a sudden loss of vision
in the left eye. Her symptoms resolved within the next couple of hours. What is the most
appropriate next inv?
a. CT brain
b. Echo
c. Doppler USG
d. Arteriography
e. 24h ECG

Patient recovering from Viral Gastroenteritis, vomiting and diarrhea abated but still having Anorexia.
What will you advice:
a) Bananas
b) Rice cereal and apple juice Chopped pear
c) yogurt
d) Granola

Patient admitted as a case of emphysema, according to the vaccine what you will do:a) give pneumococcal vaccine now
b) give flu vaccine now
c) give all vaccine 2 weeks after discharge
d) give flu vaccine now and pneumococcal vaccine 4 week after discharge

80 yr lady found in floor by daughter, brought to ED. Was unconscious, inability to walk unaided, horizontal nystagmus. She was being treated for depression, osteoprorsis and epilepsy. Daughter doesnot know medication. Which test will help to diagnose the condition? Alcohol, aspirin, carbamazepin, digoxin.

A 35-year-old lady needs contraception. He has conductive type of hearing loss and on investigations diagnosed as a case of otosclerosis. Which of the following contraceptive should you not give to her?

  1. Mirena
  2. IUCD
  3. POP
  4. COCP
  5. Progestin implant

A 6-year-old boy does not talk and will not play with other chil- dren. He is only interested in toy cars, and lines them up in a particular order. His teacher says that he cannot read or write like the other children, and that he has temper tantrums for no obvious reason.
Which is the single most likely diagnosis?
A Asperger’s syndrome
B Autism
C Normal child
D Obsessive–compulsive disorder
E Rett’ssyndrome