A patient with a familial history of a cardiac disorder requires treatment with an antipsychotic agent

A patient with a familial history of a cardiac disorder requires treatment with an antipsychotic agent. His latest ECG is shown below. Which of the following agents will you avoid in the patient?

A. Risperidone

B. Olanzapine

C. Quetiapine

D. Ziprasidone

  1. The ECG shows prolonged QT interval. Antipsychotics have a varying number of adverse effects.

  2. Risperidone is associated with anxiety, dizziness, sedation, and extrapyramidal side effects.

  3. Olanzapine causes increased appetite, the most weight gain, and somnolence.

  4. Quetiapine is the least likely to cause extrapyramidal side effects.

  5. Ziprasidone has minimal weight gain but can prolong the QTc

  6. Clozapine is the most effective antipsychotic but it can cause agranulocytosis and susceptibility to infections