A previously fit 19-year-old man presents with unusual shortness of breath on exertion

A previously fit 19-year-old man presents with unusual shortness of breath on exertion. At times, this is also associated with central chest pain. On examination there is a loud mid-systolic murmur at the left sternal edge. Heart rate and blood pressure are normal and there is no oedema. The ECG shows left axis deviation and the voltage criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy and the echocardiogram reveals a significant thickened interventricular septum, with delayed ventricular filling during diastole. There is a family history of sudden death below the age of 50. Which of the following would be your initial therapy?

  • A. Digoxin
  • B. Long-acting nitrates
  • C. Beta-blockers
  • D. Rate-limiting calcium channel blockers
  • E. Partial excision of the septum

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