A young man comes wit back pain and occasional painless hematuria. What is likely pathology

A tall rugby player was hit in the chest by a player of the opponent team. He
developed breathlessness and his face went blue and purple. You have been
called to look at him, how will you manage him?
a. Insert a needle in the 2nd ICS in the mid-clavicular line
b. Insert a needle in the 5th ICS in the mid-axillary line
c. Intubate the pt
d. Start CPR
e. Give oxygen

A 32yo woman comes with intermenstrual bleeding. Her last cervical smear was 1y ago and was
negative. What test would you recommend for her initially?
a. Colposcopy
b. Cervical smear
c. Endocervical swab
d. Transvaginal US
e. Pelvic CT

A 75yo man with declining vision, cornea and pupils are normal, fundus shows obscured margins. What is the single most likely dx?
a. Macular degeneration
b. HTN retinopathy
c. MS
d. DM background
e. Proliferative DM retinopathy

A 30yo female has chronic diarrhea, mouth ulcers and skin tags. She complains of visual prbs,
low back pain and morning stiffness. Inv: ESR & CRP=raised, Hgb=10mg/dl. What is the most
probable dx?
a. SLE
b. Reactive Arthritis
c. Gout
d. Pseudogout
e. Seronegative arthritis

Female driver had a head on collision. What is the last vertebrae on X-ray to be done?

  • c5-c6
  • c7-c6

A 35yo man skidded on a wet road while riding his motorbike at a speed of 70mph. He has a large hematoma on temporal scalp, some bruises on chest wall and abdomen and a deformed thigh. GCS 11/15. High flow oxygen via mask given. Most immediate radiological inv required during initial resuscitation phase?
a. CXR
b. CT brain
c. CT abdomen
d. XR femur

A 75yo man who has DM and HTN experiences acute monocular blindness which resolves after
1h. What is the most likely dx?
a. GCA
b. Optic neuritis
c. Lacunar infarct
d. Pontine hemorrhage
e. Amaurosis fugax

What is mode of spread of chicken pox
B)close contact
C)fecal oral

A pt admitted due to repeated attacks of pancreatitis presents with dementia and loss of proprioception in legs.what is most imp treatment
A) thiamine

A man undergoes pneumonectomy.After surgery investigation shows hyponatremia.Cause of the biochemical change?
A removal of hormonally active tumor
B Excess dextrose
C Excess colloid
D Excessive K
E hemodilutoion

A young man comes wit back pain and occasional painless hematuria. What is likely pathology
A) ca bladder
B) ca prostate
C) nephropathy
D) ureter calculi

A toddler who has von Willebrand’s disease (vWD) is admitted after a fall from his bicycle.
He has a haemathrosis of his left knee and bruises on his right lower leg.
Which transfusion is indicated?
(Please select 1 option)

Factor VIII concentrate

Factor IX

Fresh frozen plasma

Packed cells

Platelet transfusions

A 40 yr old woman was on cocp which she stopped 6months ago.but she has not had her periods since then.fsh=22, Lh=24.prolactin=700,estradiol=80.what is the most appropriate dx?
A.hypothalamic amenorrhea
B.post pill amenorrhea
E.premature ovarian failure

A 20-year old female student represents with a 1-week history of nausea, vomiting and anorexia. She returned 2-weeks ago from a trip to Guatemala. On physical examination, her temperature was 100.3 F, clear chest and she has mild jaundice and a palpable tender liver. Her CBC was normal and her liver function tests are as follows: Serum total bilirubin 3.1 mg/dL. Serum aspartate aminotransferase 1100. Serum alanine aminotransferase 1900. Serum alkaline phosphatase 112.
What is the most likely lab test to confirm your diagnosis?
A- IgM antibody to hepatitis A virus
B- Antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen
C- Antibody to hepatitis C virus
D- DNA for Epstein-Burr virus
E- Serum anti-mitochondrial antibodies

a 45 y old female looking pale has bluish discoloration of hands whenever she goes out in cold. she has also noticed some reddish spots on her body . she has symmetrical peripheral arthropathy for last yr . dx?

  1. RA
  2. Osteosarcoma
    3.limited systemic sclerosis
    d. Diffused systemic sclerosis
    e. Chondrosarcoma

plus i wanna know if RA has raynauds or not ? coz ohcm says it has while sushunity says it doesn’t .

A 42yr woman on thyroxin replacement therapy comes to the outpatient clinic to have her treatment checked
C T3
D TSH & T4
E T4 & T3

A 3yo boy is playing with his brother when he falls. He cries immediately and refuses to walk. His
mother carries him to hospital. He had a full term NVD with no neonatal complications. His
immunisations are up to date. Exam: looks well and well-nourished, no dysmorphic features. He
has slight swelling, warmth and discomfort on the lower 1/3 of the left tibia, and refuses to
weight bear. AP and lateral x rays of the tibia are normal. What is the most likely dx?
a. Ankle fx
b. Ankle sprain
c. Fibular fx
d. Knee dislocation
e. Tibial fx