About a month ago I warned that coronavirus could infect my heart

About a month ago I warned that coronavirus could infect my heart muscles according to what I saw on some infected patients. Today an Italian study confirmed this topic and warned about it and may be one of the reasons for sudden death.

For the record, my study, which is not yet complete, has shown a clear glitch in some male patients, while infected females have not recorded any glitch yet. Of course using modern technology, not ordinary eco.

It’s funny that one of the commentators on the topic I posted a month ago described me as a sin before God if I didn’t delete the post as I will spread the epidemic more by weakening people’s mental state, forgetting that scientific research is the basis of any treatment. Read the Italian study below…

An Italian study published this week in MedXriv revealed that Corona virus can invade muscle cells, or heart tissue cells, and demanded people who recovered from the virus to monitor themselves well, they may have heart disease, according to a channel Fox News

Italian researchers confirmed that six deaths of coronavirus have been spotted among formerly healthy adults, as a result of heart disease, and indicated that the corona virus has distorted even after recovering from the disease.

The authors of the study wrote: ′′ Coronavirus has been spotted in the heart muscle cells on a consistent basis ", They added that heart health must be monitored among corona patients who have recovered, to know its long term impact.

Two studies published earlier this month supported this study, confirming that the virus has been found in heart tissue, which can affect heart muscle tissue, and cause complications that threaten patients lives.

Brazilian doctors and experts in this study documented the death of a 11-year-old girl who was infected with coronavirus, and confirmed that the child had a heart failure and died one day after she was hospitalized.

In this case, the authors of the study noted that the heart muscle cells are infected, saying: ′′ This may lead to a local infection due to a cell ", They pointed out that this case is the first documented case of the virus in a child’s heart cells I’m sorry. Transferred