AF patient on Warfarin , Digoxin , BB , thiazide has developed yellow sclera < wt is the single most likely cause?

AF patient on Warfarin , Digoxin , BB , thiazide has developed yellow sclera < wt is the single most likely cause ?

a - digoxin
b- thiazide
c- Warfarin
d- BB
e- Asprin

A 1 day old male has developed abd distention,billous vomitting,meconium ileus.prenatal usg showed echogenic bowel.what is most likely diagnosis
A.duodenal atresia
B.cystic fibrosis
D.malrotation and volvulus
E.hirschprung disease

A 40yo woman presented with generalized itching and tiredness for few months. She gave a hx of heavy menstrual periods. Exam: pallor. What is the single most likely causative factor?

a. IDA

b. Lichen planus

c. Dermatitis herpitiformis

d. Eczema

e. Uremia

MRI spine of a patient shows L3/ L4 spine compression. She complains of bladder control loss
and also has some eye problem. She has breast carcinoma in the past. What explains her symptoms
the best?

A. Metastasis in brain
B. Metastasis in spine
C. Sciatica
D. Disc prolapse

Alzheimer’s disease What is the most likely risk factor?

THANKS GOD! I passed IELTS! I got a score of 8.5 from the first attempt. I will share how I prepared for it:

  • Preparation time: 1 month, 3 - 4 hours/ day

  • Resources / material:
    Book: (Action plan for IELTS), it’s a good book with explanation of different question types. It also comments on common mistakes candidates make.

YouTube channel: (Learn English with Emma [engVid])
I watched the videos related to the IELTS

Practice tests: There’s one practice test in the above mentioned book. I also did the last three Cambridge English IELTS books. Each one has nearly 4 practice tests. I found it very helpful to do them and time myself.

  • In addition to that, I trained myself to be surrounded by English everywhere. For example, I started reading the news from an English website and I listened to an English radio while doing chores. For the speaking part, I familiarized myself with terms and ideas about different subjects. For instance, my favorite teacher, author, book, movie, etc. Many websites provide suggested topics for speaking and writing, I used:
    This is because even if your language is excellent, if you lack ideas about the question you’re not going to do your best.

Time management and good preparation are the main reasons for IELTS success. I hope this is helpful & I wish you all best of luck.

A 52 year-old man complains of increased hat size and headaches when he wakes up in the morning. He is a famous wrestler. Physical exam reveals mild diastolic HTN, prominant jaw with spaces between the teeth, large hands and feet, and generalized muscle weakness. What is the definitive test to confirm diagnosis?

A. OGTT with growth hormone measurement
B. Insulin tolerance test
C. Early morning growth hormone
D. Short ACTH test

A 24yo woman presents with deep dyspareunia and severe pain in every cycle. What is the
initial inv?
a. Laparoscopy
b. Pelvic US
c. Hysteroscopy
d. Vaginal Swab