AIIMS/ NEET-PG 2017: Gynae and Obs MCQs 121-130

Q-121. Which of the following statements regarding immunization of a newborn born to a HBsAg positive mother is true?
a) Hep-B vaccine and HBIG should be administered within 12 hours of birth
b) Hep-B vaccine and HBIG should be administered within 48 hours of birth
c) Hep-B vaccine should be administered within 12 hours but HBIG can be delayed up to 48 hours
d) Hep-B vaccine should be administered within 12 hours bout HBIG can be delayed up to 96 hours

Answer: Hep-B vaccine and HBIG should be administered within 12 hours of birth
CDC guidelines for immunization of newborns born to HBsAg positive mothers:
Hep-B vaccine and HBIG should be administered within 12 hours of birth

Q-122. All of the following statement about mother to child transmission of HIV are true Except
a) Transmission most commonly occurs during early gestation
b) Majority of fetuses are not infected even without any intervention
c) Risk of mother to child transmission can be reduced by elective cesarean section
d) Risk is related to the status of infection in mother

Answer: Transmission most commonly occurs during early gestation
HIV infection during pregnancy:
Maternal transmission of HIV occur trans-placentlly before birth, peri-partum by exposure to blood and bodily fluid at delivery or post-partum through breast feeding.
Majority of infection occur during labour & perinatal period.
Majority of fetuses are not infected even without any intervention
Risk is related to the status of infection in mother
Emergency CS decreases chance of transmission.
Nevirapine should be initiated in pregnant women with CD4+ counts greater than 250 cells /mm3.
Zidovudine/ HAART (Highly active anti-retro-viral therapy) to mother reduce overall transmission

Q-123. Which of the following medication should never be used in pregnancy?
a) Methotrexate
b) Cyclosporine
c) Chloroquine
d) Pyrazinamide

Answer: Methotrexate
Methotrexate is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.
Methotrexate is classified as Category X agent due to its potential to cause spontaneous abortion and Terato-genicity.

Q-124. Maternal use of which of the following hormone may cause hypospadias in a male child?
a) Tolbutamide
b) Clomiphene
c) Diethylstilbestrol
d) Clonazepam

Answer: Diethylstilbestrol
Exposed male fetus to Diethylstilbestrol leads to:
Epidymal cyst
Testicular hypoplasia
Exposed female fetus to Diethylstilbestrol leads to:
Cervical ectropion
Vaginal adenosis
Cervical collars, hoods, septa and coxcombs
Hypoplastic uterine cavity
Withered fallopian tube

Q-125. Mobius syndrome in fetus may be caused by maternal intake of
a) Mifepristone
b) Misoprostol
c) Dinoprostone
d) Methotrexate

Answer: Misoprostol
Mobius syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that is present at birth.
It primarily affects the 6th and 7th cranial nerves, and patient unable to move their faces and their eyes laterally.
Attempted abortion with misoprostol is associated with an increased risk of Mobius’ syndrome in infants.

Q-126. Which of the following is true regarding time of ovulation?
a) It occurs before LH surge
b) It occurs after biphasic temperature rise in basal body temperature
c) It occurs after ripening of follicles by FSH
d) It occurs after disappearance of cervical mucus thickening

Answer: It occurs after disappearance of cervical mucus thickening
Ovulation occurs after ripening of follicles by FSH and 26-36 hours after LH surge.
It occurs before biphasic temperature rise in basal body temperature. There is fall in temperature during ovulation.
Cervical mucus becomes thin and profuse at the time of ovulation.

Q-127. Patient develops shock just after a normal delivery. The most probable cause is
a) Post-partum hemorrhage
b) Post-partum eclampsia
c) Uterine inversion
d) Amniotic fluid embolism

Answer: Uterine inversion
Unexplained shock after delivery:
Uterine inversion (Most important cause)
Occult rupture of uterus
Pelvic hematoma
Amniotic fluid embolism

Q-128. The test used to differentiate between maternal and fetal blood in a given sample is
a) Kleihauer–Betke test
b) Apt test
c) Osmotic fragility test
d) Bubbling test

Answer: Apt test
The test used to differentiate between maternal and fetal blood in a given sample- Apt test
The test used to estimate the amount of fetal blood in maternal serum- Kleihauer–Betke test

Q-129. A 19 year old patient came to the out-patient department with complaints of primary amenorrhea. She had well developed breast and pubic hair. However there was absence of vaginal and on USG her uterus was absent likely diagnosis is
a) XYY
b) Mullerian agenesis
c) Gonadal dysgenesis
d) Klinefelter’s syndrome

Answer: Mullerian agenesis
Mullerian agenesis:
Uterus and fallopian tube absent
Variable malformation of the upper portion of the vagina
Mullerian agenesis is the second most common cause of primary amenorrhea after gonadal failure.

Q-130. HRT can be used to provide benefit in post-menopausal females for all of the conditions except
a) Vasomotor symptoms
b) Cardiovascular disease
c) Osteoporosis
d) Urogenital atrophy

Answer: Cardiovascular disease
Advantages of hormone replacement therapy in post menopausal females:
Prevents hot flushes, vaginal atrophy and osteoporosis
Reduction of fracture
Colorectal cancer
Risks of hormone replacement therapy in post menopausal females:
VTE (Venus thrombo-embolism)
Breast cancer