AIPPG Paper 2002 (Part 1 of 25)

ALL is predisposed to by

  1. Blooms syndrome

  2. Fanconi's syndrome

  3. Ataxic telengectasia

  4. Turners syndrome

  5. Diamond blackfan syndrome

  • Klinefelters syndrome is associated with

    1. XXY

    2. Male phenotype

    3. Infertility

    4. Azoospermia

    5. Bar body absent

  • True about testicular feminization is/are

    1. Testes present

    2. Female phenotype

    3. XY

    4. Secondary amennorhea

    5. Uterus present

  • The activity of the following enzymes is decreased in starvation

    1. Acy carnitine tranferase

    2. Lipoprotien lipase

    3. Citrate cleavage enzyme

    4. Fatty acid synthase

    5. Phosphoglucomutase

  • Regarding laryngomalacia true is/are

    1. Most common cause of stridor in newborn

    2. Sigma shaped epiglottis

    3. Inspiratory stridor

    4. Most require surgery

    5. Stridor worsens on lying in prone position

  • When acute appendicitis is suspected it can be confirmed by

    1. Clinical examination

    2. Ultrasound

    3. CT scan

    4. TLC and DLC

    5. Upper GI endoscopy

  • A female presenting with history of rash and polyarthritis. It is associated with

    1. Antinuclear antibody

    2. RA factor is positive

    3. Bad obstetric history

    4. Increased PTT

    5. HLA B 27

  • All of the following are blood buffers except

    1. Phosphates

    2. Plasma proteins

    3. Bicarbonates

    4. Oxygen

    5. Heamoglobin

  • Supine hypotension is seen in

    1. Obesity

    2. Ascites

    3. Abdominal tumors

    4. Pregnancy

    5. Bradycardia

  • Lipid lowering drugs act on

    1. HMG coA synthetase

    2. HMG coA reductase

    3. Mevalonate kinase

    4. Lipase

    5. Acyl coA transferase