AIPPG Paper 2002 (Part 17 of 25)

Refractive power of the eye can be changed by

  1. Radial keratotomy

  2. Keratomileusis

  3. Intraocular lens

  4. LASIK

  5. Photocoagulation

  • In angle closure glaucoma, treatment given to the fellow is

    1. Pilocarpine eye drops

    2. Atropine eye drops

    3. Laser iridotomy

    4. Trabeculoplasty

    5. Physostigmine eye drops

  • Parenchymatous xerosis of the conjuctiva is caused by

    1. Trachoma

    2. Vitamin A deficiency

    3. Vernal catarrh

    4. Phlyctenular conjuctivitis

    5. Alkali burns

  • Charcots joint is caused by all of the following except

    1. Arnold chiarri malformation

    2. Syrngomyelia

    3. Secondary syphilis

    4. Leprosy

    5. Hydrocephalus

  • Short stature is seen in

    1. Maternal deprivation syndrome

    2. Hypothyroidism

    3. Bulimia

    4. Paternal smoking

    5. IUGR

  • True regarding acute osteomyelitis in child is/are

    1. Diagnosis is by Xray after 8 − 10 days of onset of infection

    2. Diagnosis must be suspected on all cases of subcutaneous cellulites

    3. There is diffuse tenderness at the site

    4. Treatment should be for at least 4 weeks

    5. Salmonella is the most common cause

  • True about mycobacterium tuberculosis is/are

    1. Can produce visible colonies in a weeks time on LJ media

    2. Decolorized with 20% suphuric acid

    3. Facultative aerobes

    4. It is niacin positive

  • Anterior scalloping of the vertebrae is seen in

    1. Aortic aneurysm

    2. Tuberculosis

    3. Renal tumors

    4. Sarcoidosis

  • Regarding aqueous humor which of the following is correct

    1. It is secreted 2 − 3 ml/min

    2. It is secreted by ciliary processes

    3. It has less protein then plasma

    4. It has less vitamin C then plasma

    5. Provides nutrition

  • Which of the following drugs is associated with least causation of raised intraocular tension

    1. Hydrocortizone

    2. Prednisolone

    3. Fluvamethezone

    4. Triamcinolone

    5. Rexamethasone