AIPPG Paper 2002 (Part 8 of 25)

Breast cancer is seen more commonly in women who

  1. Consume non vegetarian food

  2. Have early menopause

  3. Smoke

  4. Have multiple sex partners

  5. Who did not breast feed their babies

  • Predisposing factors in colonic cancer is/are

    1. Animal fat consumption

    2. Familial adenomatous polyposis

    3. Ulcerative colitis

    4. Crohns disease

    5. Tuberculosis

  • Abdominoperineal resection is preferred in colorectal cancer based on which of the following

    1. Age of patient

    2. Distance from anal verge

    3. Fixity of tumor

    4. Hepatic metastasis

    5. Extent of tumor

  • Predisposing factors for skin cancer are

    1. Lichen planus

    2. Leukoplakia

    3. Bowens disease

    4. Psoriasis

    5. Behcets disease

  • True regarding ankylosing spondylitis is

    1. More common in men

    2. Associated with HLA B 27

    3. Associated with B8

    4. Affects only small joints

  • Squamous cell carcinoma in bladder is predisposed to by

    1. Urolithiasis

    2. Shistosomiasis

    3. Persistent urachus

    4. Polyp

    5. Smoking

  • Restrictive Fragment Length Polymorphism is used in the diagnosis of

    1. Thallessemia

    2. Sickle cell trait

    3. Gilbert's syndrome

    4. Phenylketonuria

    5. Von Gierke's disease

  • True regarding Gilberts syndrome is/are

    1. Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia

    2. Increased liver transaminases

    3. Bleeding tendencies

    4. Autoantibodies are present

  • Regarding cholestasis of pregnancy which of the following is/are true

    1. Deep jaundice is present

    2. Pruritus is the 1st symptom

    3. Maximum during the third trimester

    4. Raised liver transaminases

  • Purpuric rashes are seen in

    1. Dengue

    2. Borrelia

    3. Secondary syphilis

    4. Measles

    5. Typhoid