AIPPG Paper 2002 (Part9 of 25)

The most sensitive structure in a cell for radiotherapy is

  1. Cell membrane

  2. Mitochondria membrane

  3. DNA

  4. Plasma membrane

  5. Cell enzymes

  • In spectroscopy nucleotides absorb at 260 nm wavelength. This absorption is due to

    1. Purines and pyrimidines

    2. Deoxyribose

    3. Ribose

    4. Histones

    5. Phosphates

  • Regarding oncogenesis

    1. Topoisomerase II causes break in both strands

    2. P53 is the most common oncogene mutation causing cancer in humans

    3. At G2 − M phase there is loss of inhibitors controlling cell cycle

    4. Decrease in telomerase activity causes antitumor effect

  • The investigation of choice in acute cholecystitis is

    1. Ultrasound

    2. HIDA scan

    3. CT scan

    4. Oral cholestogram

    5. MRI

  • All can cause hyperglycemia except

    1. Growth hormone

    2. Cortisol

    3. Epinephrine

    4. Glucagon

    5. Insulin

  • Primary hyperparathyroidism is caused by

    1. Parathyroid hyperplasia

    2. Parathyroid adenoma

    3. MEN syndrome

    4. Thyrotoxicosis

    5. Chronic renal failure

  • Hyperphosphatemia with hypocalcemia is seen in

    1. CRF

    2. Pseudohypoparathyroidsim

    3. Tumor lysis syndrome

    4. Vitamin D intoxication

    5. Sarcoidosis

  • Raised calcium and phosphate is seen in

    1. Chronic renal failure

    2. Vitamin D intoxication

    3. Hyperparathyroidism

    4. Pseudohypoparathyroidism

    5. Sarcoidosis

  • Hypokalemia is associated with

    1. Furesemide

    2. Cortisol

    3. Metabolic acidosis

    4. Amiloride

    5. Addison's disease

  • VIPOMA is associated with

    1. Watery diarrhea

    2. Hypochlorhydria

    3. Hyperchlorhydria

    4. Hyperkalemia

    5. Hypokalemia