Arrange the following zones of the pulp from outer to inner layer in the correct sequence:

Arrange the following zones of the pulp from outer to inner layer in the correct

  1. Odontoblastic zone
  2. Cell rich zone
  3. Cell free zone
  4. Central pulp
  1. 1324
  2. 1234
  3. 3241
  4. 3214
    Ans. 1 (1324)
    Solution. The correct sequence of zones of the pulp from outer to inner layer is:
  1. Cell free zone: This is the outermost layer of the pulp, also known as the zone of Weil. It
    contains fewer cells and more collagen fibers.
  2. Odontoblastic zone: This layer is located just beneath the cell-free zone and contains
    odontoblasts, which are responsible for the formation of dentin.
  3. Cell-rich zone: This is the middle layer of the pulp and contains various types of cells,
    such as fibroblasts, macrophages, and immune cells.
  4. Central pulp: This is the innermost layer of the pulp and contains blood vessels and
    nerves that supply the tooth.
    Therefore, the correct sequence is 1324