August 2012- d.m – cardiology

I. Elaborate on:
Pages Time Marks
(Max.) (Max.) (Max.)

  1. Discuss lipid metabolism, dyslipedemia and its therapy. 16 35 15
  2. Discuss in detail diagnostic workup of pulmonary hypertension
    and its pharmacologic management.

II. Write notes on:

  1. Discuss lipoprotein A ant its pathophysiologic significance. 4 10 7
  2. Describe the coronary artery and its significance in relation
    to interventional management.
  3. After depolarization and arrhythmias induced by
    after depolarization-write an account.
  4. Describe the pathology of Aschoff nodules.
  5. Describe Bayes theorem and its clinical applications.
  6. Discuss the diagnosis and clinical relevance of atrial
    septal aneurysm
  7. Describe the chest radiograph findings in coarctation of aorta.
  8. What is Laplace law? Describe its clinical application.
  9. Give a brief account on left ventricular reverse remodeling.
    10.Describe the fetal circulatory changes at birth.