Cheilography is the study of ?
a) Finger prints
b) Lip prints
c) Breath analysis
d) Foot prints
Correct Answer - B
Ans. is ‘b’ i.e., Lip prints
Cheiloscopy or queiloscopy is the study of lip prints.
Podogram is the study of foot prints which are due to ridge on the
sole and toes of the foot.
Palato prints (rugoscopy) is the study of anterior part of palate.
DactylographyDermatoglyphics/Galton system- is the study of Finger
prints. Finger print pattern is absolutely individual i.e. no two hands
are entirely alike, not even identical twins. That’s why, it is best
(most sensitive and most specific) and most reliable method of
identification (Quetelet’s rule of biological variation).