Chronic renal failure and secondary hyperparathyroidism

You are planning to start a 72-year-old man who has chronic renal failure and secondary hyperparathyroidism on 1,25-OH vitamin D supplementation.

Which of the following correctly represents an action of 1,25-OH vitamin D supplementation?

Decreased calcium reabsorption in the kidney
Decreased IL6 production
Decreased intestinal reabsorption of calcium
Decreased mobilisation of calcium from bone
Decreased muscle strength


As well as its documented effects on the kidney and bone, vitamin D is recognised to modulate cytokine production and may have a role in the treatment of inflammatory disorders in the future. One example is decreased production of IL6 in response to vitamin D supplementation.

With respect to calcium metabolism, the actions of vitamin D are to increase serum calcium. This includes increased intestinal absorption of calcium, increased mobilisation of calcium from bone, and increased calcium reabsorption from the kidney.

Vitamin D deficiency, rather than supplementation, is thought to contribute to decreased muscle strength.