Chylothorax is the presence of lymphatic fluid in the pleural space due to disruption

is the presence of lymphatic fluid in the pleural space due to disruption or obstruction of thoracic duct or one of its tributaries.
#CAUSE: a)nontrauatic…:*malignancies like lymphoma which is the most common cause.**non malignant causes include: idiopathic;congenital&miscellaneous like cirrhosis; tuberclosis,sarcoidosis,amyloidosis&filiariasis.
b)traumatic: iatrogenic like cardiothoracic surgery&post oseohagal surgery;penetrating injuries.
#D/D :exudative pl.effusuion
*malignant pe.*cong h.failure
*hemothorax * empyma thoracis
parapneumonic peAids related complex.
work up: diag is done from history, clinical exam findings,cxr,ct scan of chest& abd.lymphoangiography/lymphoscintiagraphy pleural fluid analysis for triglyceride
tg/ cholesteol ratio