Common errors in burn management

Common errors in burn management

1st mistake: use toothpaste under the excuse of relieving burn and pain!

  • Correction: This causes pollution of the injury or burnt skin because of the chemicals in it. Indeed, you can apply, for example, special ointments, 10 minutes after burning with running water.

2nd mistake: put ice directly on the burn site under the excuse of relieving pain!

  • Correction: This very harmful method is called ice burn because it destroys skin tissues directly at contact and leaves scars on the skin. However, after burning the burn with running water, you can put ice on the burnt skin (if you want), but it must be in a thick plastic bag or light piece of cloth to prevent direct contact between the skin and the ice.

3nd mistake: put a Blaster or an adhesive tarp on the burn under the cover of a pollution reserve!

  • Correction: This method causes thermal skin holding and increases the temperature of burn and pain. Choose the use of special ointments over this method.

4nd error: Cover the burn with cotton!

  • Correction: cotton will stick to the burnt skin and it will be difficult to change the burn. It’s better to put on a sterile.

5nd error: during the second degree burning of the bubbles appear (signants inflammation). Some people tend to break through them.

  • correction: these bubbles contain plasma and these liquids are elements that the body needs; in addition, the holes will give way to scars. It’s better to leave them as such; they will be absorbed and brought back inside or out of the body naturally…