Complications during labor in grand multipara

Complications during labor in grand multipara

  1. Malpresentation - due to pendulous
    abdomen together with the high
    angle of pelvic inclination - breech
    presentation, transverse and
    oblique lie are more common.
  2. Delayed engagement of head can
    give rise to PROM and cord
  3. Cephalopelvic disproportion may
    occur. The babies tend to get larger
    with successive pregnancies.
    Moreover the pelvic inclination is
    increased and forward subluxation
    of sacrum upon the sacroiliac joints
    reduces the true conjugate.
  4. Incidence of caesarean section is
    there by increased
  5. Precipitate labor might occur
  6. Obstructed labor
  7. Rupture of uterus