Corkscrew esophagus is seen in which of the following conditions?

Corkscrew esophagus is seen in which of
the following conditions ?
a) Carcinoma esophagus
b) Scleroderma
c) Achalasia cardia
d) Diffuse esophagus spasm
Correct Answer - D
Ans. is d i.e., Diffuse Esophageal spasm
Radiological appearances of diffuse esophageal spasm have been
described as:
curling esophagus
Corkscrew esophagus or

  • pseudodiverticulosis
    Diffuse esophageal spasm is a motor disorder of esophagus
    characterized by repetitive simultaneous non-peristaltic contractions.
    Symptoms are substernal chest pain and/or dysphagia
    Diagnosed by manometry
    Also know
    Nutcracker esophagus
    also known as ‘supersqueezer’ esophagus
  • it is characterized by extremely high-amplitude peristaltic
  • Symptoms are pain and dysphagia
    Diagnosed by manometry study which shows peristaltic esophageal
    contractions with peak amplitudes greater than two standard
    deviations above the normal values.