Corona Virus Can spread through the eyes!

Corona Virus Can spread through the eyes!
Article from American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Here is how the virus can be transmitted through the eye:-
When an infected person cough or talk, virus particles are sprayed and this can reach someone else’s body through the nose or mouth. But they can also make their way through the eyes.
-The virus can be spread through tears as well. Touching the tears directly or a medium infected with tears of an infected person, can spread the virus.
-If you touch an infected place like a door knob, then touch your eyes, you can become infected.

5 ways to help yourself and someone else:
1- Avoid wearing contact lenses for a while. Contact lens wearers touch their eyes more often than non wearers.
2- Wearing glasses may add another layer of protection to the eyes. If caring for a sick patient, wear safety goggles to get a stronger defense.
3- Do not SKIP your eye exam because of fear of vising your doctor’s/Optometrist’s office. Your health care provider already use the appropriate hygiene and disinfection process.
4- Stock up on eye medecine prescriptions if you can.
5- Most important, avoid rubbing your eyes. It might be hard to break this natural habit but this will decrease the risk of infection. If you have dry eye that is the most common cause of rubbing your eyes, use lubrication eye drops.

Picture courtesy to appropriate owner!
American Academy of Ophthalmology