"Danger Triangle" area in the face

“Danger Triangle” area in the face…
It is a like area that extends from both sides of the mouth to the top of the nose bridge, which includes the nose, upper jaw and surrounding area…

This area has been called a danger triangle as the blood vessels that feed this area are directly poured into the brain… which may carry any infection from this area to directly inside the brain, which may result in serious complications for God like Formation of an extract in the brain… Sore inflammation or high brain pressure…

To Avoid infection from this area of the face, it is recommended:
Avoid pressure on pimples and acne in this area and consult the doctor on the need to use antibiotics if the inflammation is severe.
2-avoid removing nose hair from the grafts and using scissors instead.
3-do not neglect the hygiene of the mouth and teeth and hurry to visit the dentist in the case of an under-teeth, especially in the upper jaw.
4-not to neglect the treatment of sinus and nasal allergies.

With family greetings together for better health
Higher Institute of public health
Alexandria University